
R:Compiler for R:BASE is a program that converts R:BASE applications into stand-alone executable files. The executable file is created from a startup file, which can be an application file (.rba), an external form file (.rff), or a command file. The R:Compiler for R:BASE functionality eliminates the need for the R:BASE program and allows for easier distribution of custom applications.

Options for the distributed application include support to change the icon of the executable file and to include version information specific to a compiled executable. Developers can also create an evaluation version of an application, which will expire after a defined date.

Database resources can be added to compiled executable projects. Database resources can include R:BASE forms, reports, labels, and external form files. By storing these objects in the compiled executable, and storing the executable locally on a workstation, the network speed for the application will improve due to the decreased amount of data required to be transferred when a form, report, or label is opened. Adding an external form to the compiled executable resources will further decrease the amount of files need for distributing the custom application.

Several settings for compiled executables can be enabled and disabled including:

  • Embedding the R:BASE engine DLL within the executable
  • Allowing only one instance of the compiled executable to be launched
  • Compress executables, with varying levels
  • partial compression for code, leaving resources uncompressed
  • theme support, to optionally make native executables

File resources can be added to compiled executable projects as well. File resources can include R:BASE Plugins included with Runtime License purchases, the R:BASE Engine DLL file, R:BASE command files that can be used with the RUN command, themes, R:Charts chart files, R:BASE Gateway Import/Export specification files, and R:Mail Editor Template files. Themes that can be added to the compiled executables include any theme within the R:BASE Theme Library (RBThemes11.dll) and any individual theme files with one of the following file extensions:

  • msstyles
  • theme
  • uskn
  • kskn
  • xskn
  • mskn

As external resource files change over time, an option to update the resource is available for external form files, plugins, command files, chart files, specification files, and template files.

A customized load window can to be displayed while application is launching. Options include a multi-line message with background color and font settings and custom image and animation support. A preview is available to experiment with different load windows.

R:Compiler for R:BASE also has the ability to specify an external text editor for command files, and R:BASE as the editor for external form files and application files. This allows developers to launch the external editor from R:Compiler to make modifications on-the-fly!

When including custom fonts within applications, R:Compiler can include font files (.tff) as part of the Misc. Files resources. When the compiled application is executed, it will install the font files if not already installed.

R:Compiler allows developers to save application projects (.rcp). The project files can be used to make changes to existing projects, save files as other projects, and easily recompile applications. A batch compile can also be performed to rebuild all projects at once.
