   PRODUCT   :  R:BASE                  VERSION      :  3.1 or Higher
   From William B. Driskell, 6536 20th Ave. N.E., Seattle, WA 98115. Bill is 
   a marine biologist, a computer consultant, an active participant in the 
   Seattle-area R:BASE user's group, and a frequent contributor to the R:BASE 
   In computer jargon, a string is a sequence of characters that is handled 
   as one chunk of data. R:BASE provides string functions to manipulate 
   strings in various ways: you can peek inside, extract portions, or even 
   move pieces around.
   In R:BASE, a string can be stored in a TEXT column or variable or it can 
   be a quote-enclosed set of characters. R:BASE string functions can handle 
   all three - variables, columns, and values - interchangeably, with only 
   two restrictions:
   <>  If you use a column name in a string function, R:BASE must be able 
       to determine the table. Column names work if you use the string 
       function in a computed column expression, a form expression, a 
       report expression, or a SELECT command expression all places 
       where R:BASE knows the table. But you can't use a column name in 
       string manipulation functions in a SET VAR command because the 
       table is unknown.
   <>  Expressions are not allowed inside string functions.
   String Manipulation Functions
   These are all the string manipulation functions available in R:BASE 3.1C:
   <>  (SFIL(chr,nchar)) to fill a string (CHR) with a specified number of 
       characters (NCHAR).
   <>  (SPUT(text,string,pos)) to put a string of characters (STRING) into 
       another string (TEXT) beginning at a specified position number (POS) 
       in the destination string (TEXT).
   <>  (SGET(text,nchar,pos)) to get a specified number of characters 
       (NCHAR) out of a string (TEXT) beginning at a specified position 
       number (POS).
   <>  (SLEN(text)) to find out how many characters are in a string (TEXT).
   <>  (SSUB(text,n)) to pull the nth piece out of a string (TEXT) 
       when each piece is separated from the next by a comma.
   <>  (SLOC(text,string)) to locate a substring (STRING) inside another 
       string (TEXT). If the substring (STRING) is found, SLOC returns a 
       number representing the substring's starting position in the search 
       string (TEXT).
   <>  (CTR(text,width)) to center a string (TEXT) in a specified number of 
       characters (WIDTH).
   <>  (SMOVE(text,pos1,nchar,string,pos2)) to place a piece of one string 
       (TEXT) into another string (STRING). The substring is defined by a 
       specified starting position (POS1) in the source string (TEXT) along 
       with a specified number of characters (NCHAR). R:BASE places that 
       substring in the destination string (STRING) beginning at a specified 
       position number (POS2).
   <>  (LJS(text,width)) to left justify a string (TEXT) in a specified 
       number of characters (WIDTH).
   <>  (RJS(text,width)) to right justify a string (TEXT) in a specified 
       number of characters (WIDTH).
   <>  (FORMAT(value,'picture-format')) to use picture formats to format a 
       string (VALUE).
   <>  (STRIM(text)) to trim blanks from a string (TEXT).
   <>  (ULC(text)) to change all the characters in a string (TEXT) to 
   <>  (LUC(text)) to change all the characters in a string (TEXT) to 
   <>  (ICAP1(text)) to make the first character in the string uppercase 
       and all other characters lowercase.
   <>  (ICAP2(text)) to make the first character of each word in the string 
       uppercase and all other characters lowercase.
   Text Conversion Functions
   R:BASE also includes several conversion functions that either return text 
   or accept text parameters:
   <> (ICHAR(chr)) returns the ASCII code for a character (CHR)
   <> (CTXT(arg)) changes a value (ARG), no matter what its data type, into 
      a text string
   <> (CHAR(integer)) looks up the character defined by the specified ASCII 
      code (INTEGER)
   <> (INT(text)) changes a non-decimal number (TEXT) that is currently 
      defined as TEXT into an INTEGER
   <> (NINT(text)) rounds a decimal number (TEXT) that is currently defined 
      as TEXT to the nearest INTEGER and returns an INTEGER
   <> (FLOAT(text)) changes a number (TEXT) that is currently defined as 
      TEXT into the same number defined as a DOUBLE data type
   <> (IHASH(text,width)) returns a hash value for a specified number (WIDTH) 
      of characters in a text string (TEXT) beginning with the first character
   Building a String
   You can build a string in several ways. Each of the following commands 
   builds a string:
   SET VAR vstring1 = ('explicit (literal) characters')
   SET VAR vstring2 = ('letters' & 'more letters')
   SET VAR vstring3 = (CTXT(#DATE))
   SELECT textcolname INTO vstring4 FROM tblname WHERE...
   In the second example, the ampersand (&) pastes (concatenates) two strings 
   together so that the result has a blank space between the two parts. If 
   you don't want any space between the two parts, use the plus sign (+) 
   instead of the ampersand (&). In the third example, the CTXT conversion 
   function changes the current date into a text string. In the fourth 
   example, because the variable is loaded from a query, the WHERE clause 
   must be specific enough to find just one match or R:BASE will display 
   this error message: -ERROR- Too many rows returned.
   You can also use the SFIL function, which creates a string of any desired 
   length using just one character, to build a string:
   SET VAR vstring = (SFIL(.vchar,.vlength))
   Locating & Measuring Strings
   Two primary questions exist for any string:
   <>  How long is it?
   <>  What's inside it?
   Use SLEN like this to find the length of a string:
   SET VAR vlen INTEGER = (SLEN(.vstring))
   Use SLOC like this to find the starting location of one string embedded 
   in another string:
   SET VAR vpos INTEGER = (SLOC(.vhaystack,.vneedle))
   This SLOC example takes the value stored in vneedle and looks for 
   that string in the value stored in vhaystack. If the search is successful, 
   the function returns the starting location in vhaystack. If no match is 
   found, the function returns a zero. For example, if vneedle is equal to 
   'tiny needle' and vhaystack is equal to 'big haystack,' the function will 
   return a zero. But if vneedle is equal to 'hay' and vhaystack is equal to 
   'big haystack,' the function will return a five because 'hay' begins with 
   the fifth character in 'big haystack.'
   The following example uses SLOC and SLEN to test a Social Security 
   number's format. It produces a list of Social Security numbers that are 
   missing hyphens, given that the correct format is 123-45-6789.
   SELECT ssn FROM employee WHERE (SLOC(ssn,'-')) = 0 OR (SLEN(ssn)) < 11
   Building a Table of Contents
   By combining the SLEN and the SFIL functions, you can build a table-of-
   contents format in which each line has, for example, an item followed by 
   a variable number of periods followed by a related currency value. Here's 
   an example:
   SET VAR vaddlen = (40 - SLEN(.vitem))
   SET VAR vdots = (SFIL('.',.vaddlen))
   SET VAR voutput = (.vitem & .vdots & .vcost)
   WRITE .voutput
   This produces a list that looks like this:
   Arthur A. Aardvark ..................... $237.57
   Bettsy Boop ............................ $199.95
   Parsing a String
   The word parsing means separating into elemental parts. For example, you 
   can parse a name field by splitting it into the first, middle, and last 
   For example, the following routine extracts a person's last name from the 
   full name by using SLOC to locate the last blank space and SGET to extract 
   the desired segment. The arguments in SGET tell it which string to use, 
   how many characters to extract, and where to begin extracting.
   SET VAR vname TEXT = ('Arthur A. Aardvark')
   -- Locate first blank in the name.
   SET VAR vloc INTEGER = (SLOC(.vname,'~'))
   SET VAR vlen INTEGER = (SLEN(.vname))
   -- Trim the name & locate next blank.
   WHILE vloc > 0 THEN
     SET VAR vlen = (.vlen - .vloc)
     SET VAR vloc = (.vloc + 1)
     SET VAR vname = (SGET(.vname,.vlen,.vloc))
     SET VAR vloc = (SLOC(.vname,' '))
   When the routine finishes, the variable vname contains the last name 
   You could use a similar routine to parse a telephone number by looking 
   for the embedded hyphen locations or parse an address by looking for the 
   Using SPUT as a Paste Editor
   The SPUT function puts characters into a string at specified locations, 
   overwriting the previous characters in the process. Its functionality 
   is best described as a paste editor. But it can also assist in parsing. 
   For example, you can change the above routine to use SPUT to place an at 
   symbol (@) on top of the blanks to allow the search to proceed to the 
   next blank. 
   -- Locate first blank in the name
   SET VAR vloc INTEGER = (SLOC(.vname,'~'))
   -- Fill it with @ & locate next blank.
   WHILE vloc > 0 THEN
     SET VAR vname = (SPUT(.vname,'@',.vloc))
     SET VAR vlttrloc = (.vloc + 1)
     SET VAR vloc = (SLOC(.vname,' '))
   -- Extract the last name.
   SET VAR vlen = (SLEN(.vname) - .vlttrloc + 1)
   SET VAR vlastname = (SGET(.vname,.vlen,.vlttrloc))
   Using SSUB to Parse a String
   You can also use the SSUB function to parse strings. SSUB extracts items 
   in a comma-delimited string based on the item's numbered position in the 
   list. In the next example, the commas in vaddr define a list of four 
   SET VAR vaddr = ('15395 SE 30th Place,Bellevue,WA,98007')
   SET VAR vcity TEXT = (SSUB(.vaddr,2))
   SET VAR vstate TEXT = (SSUB(.vaddr,3))
   SET VAR vzip TEXT = (SSUB(.vaddr,4))
   Now, for example, the variable vstate will contain WA. The variable vzip 
   will contain the TEXT zip code, but you can convert it into a numeric 
   value by using the new conversion capabilities of R:BASE 3.1B's FLOAT, 
   INT, or NINT functions.
   The SSUB function is very handy for parsing out the selections from a 
   two-column menu or from a checkbox menu.
   Moving From One String to Another
   The SMOVE function is an extract-and-merge command, combining the 
   functions of SGET and SPUT. Consider the following example:
   SET VAR vdate=(CTXT(.#DATE)), +
    vproj# = ('64-951.00-SPD'), +
    vjobid = (SMOVE(.vdate,7,2,.vproj#,8))
   The variable vjobid contains 64-951.91-SPD because two characters (the 
   seventh and eighth) of the year were moved into vproj# starting 
   in position number eight and vjobid was set to the result.
   Formatting Strings
   R:BASE provides two groups of string formatting functions: the 
   capitalization functions and the justification functions.
   The Capitalization Functions
   The capitalization functions cover most case conversion needs, as the 
   following table shows:
   SET VAR vstring = ('Arthur A. Aardvark')
   Function             Result
   ULC(.vstring)        'arthur a. aardvark'
   LUC(.vstring)        'ARTHUR A. AARDVARK'
   ICAP1(.vstring)      'Arthur a. aardvark'
   ICAP2(.vstring)      'Arthur A. Aardvark'
   Names like O'Toole or McDonald, which have embedded capitals, present 
   special problems. ICAP2 won't work on names such as these, but you can 
   use what I call brute-force ASCII manipulation - subtracting 32 from the 
   ASCII value to force the capitalization. Here's a routine that deals with 
   names containing an apostrophe by using a variety of functions.
   *( In the next command, the item to the)
   *( right of the = is a single quotation)
   *( mark enclosed in double quotation marks.)
   SET VAR vappos TEXT = "'"
   SET VAR vloc = (SLOC(.vname,.vappos) + 1)
   IF vloc > 0 THEN
     SET VAR vcap = (SGET(.vname,1,.vloc))
     SET VAR vcap = (LUC(.vcap))
     SET VAR .vname = (SPUT(.vname,.vcap,.vloc))
   Justification Functions
   The justification functions control placement of a string within a 
   prescribed field length. These functions can be particularly handy for 
   aligning columns on a decimal point, centering titles, or precisely 
   placing a currency amount on a bank check.
   Function             Result
   RJS(.vstring,26)     'Arthur A. Aardvark'
   LJS(.vstring,26)     'Arthur A. Aardvark'
   CTR(.vstring,26)     'Arthur A. Aardvark'
   With R:BASE 3.1C, you can use the new FORMAT function to format strings. 
   FORMAT works like the WRITE command's USING format. For example, you can 
   use the FORMAT function in commands like SELECT to align DOUBLE values on 
   a decimal point or to place commas in INTEGER values.
   The final string function is STRIM. It trims trailing blanks from a text 
   string. R:BASE currently automatically trims trailing blanks, so you won't 
   need to use STRIM; it's a remnant from previous versions and products.
   These string functions can make your job easier and your output more 