     Generating Random Numbers
     PRODUCT:  R:BASE                           VERSION: All
     CATALOG:  General Information              AREA   : Data Manipulation
     The basic procedure for generating a random number is to start with a 
     "seed" number and then perform calculations on the "seed" number to 
     generate the actual random numbers. Often the random number generated 
     is used as the "seed" number for the next iteration. The thousandths 
     part of the time format is used as the "seed" number in an R:BASE 
     command file to generate random numbers. Various SuperMath functions 
     and other arithmetic operations generate the random number. The 
     calculations can be simple or complex; often the simpler calculations 
     generate the more random number.
     The following examples of calculations that generate a random number 
     use the same "seed" number each time and also use the complete time 
     value in the calculation. The time format is set so that it looks like 
     a number.
     SET TIME FORMAT hhmmss.sss
     SET VAR vtime DOUBLE = (.#TIME)
     SET VAR vrandom1  = +
     SET VAR vrandom2 = +
     With the calculation based on time, you are more likely to generate 
     duplicate numbers when the numbers are calculated in a WHILE loop one 
     right after the other. This example uses the calculated random number 
     as the "seed" number for the next iteration. this example generates 
     fewer duplicate numbers. The numbers are loaded into a table.
     -- set the time format so it displays like a number
     SET TIME FORMAT hhmmss.sss
     -- initialize variables
     SET VAR vloop INTEGER = 0, +
     vseed INTEGER= (IFRC(.#TIME)), +
     vtime1 DOUBLE = .#TIME, +
     vmult = (NINT(.vtime1)), +
     vincrement = (JDATE(.#DATE)), +
     vmod = 65536
     WHILE vloop < 1000 THEN
     -- calculate the random number, this is used as
     -- the seed number for the next iteration
     SET VAR vseed = (+
     (.vseed * .vmult + .vincrement)/.vmod)
     -- if the maximum random number is reached,
     -- reset the seed
     IF vseed = 32767 THEN
     SET VAR vseed =  (IFRC(.#TIME))
     IF ( vseed IS NULL OR vseed = 0) THEN
     -- store the random number in a table and
     -- increment the loop counter
     INSERT INTO random (rand#) VALUES .vseed
     SET VAR vloop = (.vloop + 1)
     To check the randomness of your calculation, generate 1000 numbers and 
     then graph the result.
     You can see that the frequency of the numbers is random. There is no 
     pattern even though there duplicate numbers might be generated.
     To generate a set of unique random numbers, check to see if the number 
     has already been loaded to the table.
     SELECT COUNT(rand#) INTO vtest + 
     FROM random WHERE rand#=.vseed
     IF (vseed IS NULL OR vseed = 0) OR +
     vtest <> 0 THEN
     INSERT INTO random (rand# ) VALUES .vseed
     SET VAR vloop = (.vloop + 1)
     An IF statement does not require commands in the "true" part. 
     Sometimes, it is easier to structure the IF statement to check for a 
     true condition, but only execute commands when the condition is not 
     true (the ELSE part of the IF statement). The opposite condition for 
     this IF statement is written using AND to join the conditions and is 
     more difficult to construct and understand from a logic standpoint.
     To generate a random number with a specific number of digits, verify 
     that the number falls within a range. If the number is larger than the 
     maximum value, the number is divided by 10; if the number is below the 
     minimum value, the number is multiplied by 9.
     WHILE vrand > 999 THEN 
     vrand = (.vrand/10)
     WHILE vrand < 100 THEN
     vrand = (.vrand * 9)
     This example returns a three-digit random number. Change the 
     comparison values depending on the number of digits to return.