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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Legacy Controls > Variable Unicode Memo


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Word Wrap

Forces text to wrap at the nearest word based on the user defined width

Want Tabs

When checked, the [TAB] key will insert [TAB] characters in the field instead of moving to the next field

Want Returns

When checked, the [ENTER] key will insert hard return characters in the field instead of moving to the next field

Read Only

Restricts the user from making any changes to the current value. The field is still part of the tab order.

Disabled Double Click

Restricts display of the R:BASE BLOB Editor when the user double clicks on the field

Show Hint

Displays the defined hint

Hide Selection

Specifies if selected text within the control remains "highlighted" when focus is moved to another control

Recalc Form Variables

Recalculates form variables, defined within the Expression Builder, when focus is shifted away from the object

Suppress Empty Lines

Empty lines will be removed when multi-line data is displayed

Tab Stop

Determines whether or not field is part of tab order and user is able to land on this field


Specifies the data within the field will be selected, when the focus lands on the control through the Tab Order

Validate Data Type

Specifies if the data type value is validated when exiting the field

BLOB Editor On Double Click

Specifies if the BLOB Editor is displayed when double clicking on the control

