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BEEP (Short name: BEE)

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Use the BEEP command to play a beep sound or play an audio file. See also WINBEEP.







Time in milliseconds for the beep to sound.



Allows for user specified beep properties. Note: This feature is only applicable to Windows 2000 and higher operating systems, and will be ignored by all other operating systems.



A numeric value ranging from 37-32767 which represents the frequency of the beep in hertz.



Specifies the full path to a WAV audio file to play.


About the BEEP Command


BEEP is useful to signal when a process has finished, or to signal that an error has occurred in a command file.




Example 01:

-- Plays a beep sound



Example 02:

-- Plays a beep sound at the 280 frequency for 1 second

BEEP 'FREQ 280, 1000'


Example 03:

-- Plays an audio file

BEEP 'FILE C:\Windows\Media\Windows Ding.wav'