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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Additional Controls > Group Bar > Add Group


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ð Border Color

Specifies the color of the item list border


ð Caption Color Start

Specifies the beginning color of the gradient fill for the caption background


ð Caption Color Stop

Specifies the ending color of the gradient fill for the caption background


ð Caption Hot Color

Specifies the color of the caption when the mouse hovers over a listed item


ð Divider Color

Specifies the color for the divider between the group header and group items


ð Item Hot Color

Specifies the color of the text when the mouse hovers over a listed item


ð Selection Color

Specifies the selected item background color when "Show Item Selection" is enabled


ð Selection Frame Color

Specifies the selected item frame color when "Show Item Selection" is enabled


ð Selection Shadow Color

Specifies the selected item background shadow color when

"Show Item Selection" is enabled


