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R:BASE 11 Help

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Creating an R:BASE Data Source via Control Panel

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To create an R:BASE data source using the Windows Control Panel, proceed through the following instructions:


When creating a new DSN (Data Source Name), you can do so within the ODBC Data Source Administrator program.


1.To access the ODBC Data Source Administrator, open the Windows Control Panel, and select the "Data Sources (ODBC)" icon. This may be located within "Administrative Tools".

2.You need to determine if the application you are working with requires a User or System DSN. Once you decide, select the appropriate tab, then click the "Add" button.

3.Next, select the database driver. Select the R:BASE Database Driver, and click the Finish button.

4.The R:BASE DSN setup screen is displayed where you must the appropriate information. In some cases, you will need to restrict the name of the Data Source if your development environment does not allow certain characters. The "Full Path of Data Source" should include the RX1 file of the R:BASE database.

5.Click OK to save the DSN information.


At the ODBC Administrator window, the list of Data Sources should include the newly created DSN.