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R:BASE 11 Help

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Customizing the End User's Computer

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For each individual workstation, a desktop shortcut should be used to open the R:BASE program and launch the custom application on the server. If R:BASE is installed on the client workstation, the desktop shortcut should already exist. If R:BASE is installed on the server, the desktop shortcut must be created.


The following procedures are to be performed on the end user's computer, so an application automatically runs after double-clicking the desktop shortcut. Procedures for both client and server installations are provided.


Client Installation


1.Locate and right click on the R:BASE desktop shortcut.

2.Choose "Properties", then select the "Shortcut" tab.


Within the "Target:" field, the R:BASE executable and path should be listed.


3.At the end of the executable name, add a space, then add your startup file name. Then, add the "-BASE" command parameter if the instance is launching a multi-application application on a server.




C:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE MainApp.dat -BASE


4.Under "Start in:", edit the path to read the network shared folder where the custom application and database files reside. To be sure of the path, you can navigate to the network location and copy/paste the path from the operating system address bar.






5.Select the "Apply" button.

6.Under the "General" tab, edit the shortcut name to whatever you choose.

7.Save your changes by selecting the "OK" button.

8.Double click the icon to launch the application.


Server Installation


1.From the end user workstation desktop, navigate to the network folder where the R:BASE program files (executable) were installed.

2.Right click on the R:BASE executable (e.g., RBG11.EXE), select "Send To" > "Desktop (create shortcut)".

3.Then, on the desktop, right click and select "Properties" for the new desktop icon.

4.From the "Shortcut" tab, add a space and then the "-a" parameter to the end of the "Target:" field value after the executable name. The executable and "-a" parameter must be separated with a space.

5.After the "-a" parameter, add a space, then add your startup file name. Then, add the "-BASE" command parameter for use in server environments.




R:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE -a MainApp.dat -BASE


6.Select the "Apply" button.

7.Under the "General" tab, edit the shortcut name to whatever you choose.

8.Save your changes by selecting the "OK" button.

9.Double click the icon to launch the application.