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Returns the data type for a given column or variable name.


To return the data type for a given column, a zero "0" flag must be used. To return the data type for a given variable, the one "1" flag must be used.


Example 01.


SET VAR vCustIDType TEXT = (CVTYPE('CustID',0))

SET VAR vEmpCity TEXT = (CVTYPE('EmpCity',0))




Variable           = Value            Type

------------------   ---------------  -------

vCustIDType        = INTEGER          TEXT

vEmpCity           = TEXT,20          TEXT


Example 02.


SET VAR vCustIDType TEXT = (CVTYPE('CustID',0))

SET VAR vVarInquiry TEXT = (CVTYPE('vCustIDType',1))




Variable           = Value            Type

------------------   ---------------  ------

vEmpCity           = TEXT,20          TEXT

vVarInquiry        = TEXT,7           TEXT




When using the zero flag to return column data types, you must be connected to a database.


When returning a TEXT data type, the length is included and is separated with a comma. When returning a NUMERIC data type, the precision and scale are separated with commas.