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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: Settings

Database Explorer

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The Database Explorer selection allows you to change the appearance of the Database Explorer window.


Database Path in Title Bar - toggles the display of the path for the connected database

Indicator For Compressed Forms/Reports/Labels - toggles the display of the "vice" indicator for compressed objects

Show Rows Numbers - toggles the display of row numbers for objects

Right Align Row Numbers - adjusts the row number alignment

Show Hidden Items - toggles the display of files, based upon the "hidden" file attribute. Hidden files may include databases, external form files, applications, and command files.

Move Deleted Files to Recycle Bin - toggles sending deleted files to the Recycle Bin or not. The default is enabled. File-based objects (external form files (.rff), application files (.rba), command files, and database files (.RX1-.RX4) are sent to the Recycle Bin.

Auto Filter Delay... -  specifies the interval for how often keystrokes are recognized within the "Find in list" filter [Alt+Q]

Double Click Open Designer - toggles the double click "run" or "design" behavior for items displayed

Use Dialog to Open Table/View - toggles the ability to launch a dialog to add a WHERE Clause, change the browse mode, and use an MDI window when opening a table/view. The dialog also displays the available WHERE Clause history [F5].

Explorer Appearance - adjusts the color schema of R:BASE and the Database Explorer areas

Windows Icons - uses the Windows icons for files listed under "Command Files" within the Group Bar

Show File Comments - displays the "File Comment" column in the Commands Files area. Comments for command files will be interpreted where braces {...} are used in the first line of the file.

Show Slave Tables - toggles the display of slave tables for forms, reports, and labels

Show View Tables - toggles the display of tables/views for views. When enabled, the setting can slow down response times when many/complicated views are present.

Open Group After Connecting - sets a default group to be displayed after connecting to a database
