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DB Task Tracker

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The DB Task Tracker control displays a table-driven task and scheduling module.


The DB Task Tracker is an advanced task scheduling tool to build scheduling applications for R:BASE databases. Features include:


Six View Types for tasks:


1.Days View - The Day View offers the most detailed picture of events for a given day. It displays events within vertical timelines where an event's top-most edge corresponds to its start time and its bottom-most edge is the finish time. The primary features of this layout option are:

oWork time display - You are able to specify work hours within the timeline for more efficient end-user scheduling

oMulti-Day View - You can easily switch from a single day view to multiple days to obtain a better perspective of time availability

oThe Day View displays the current date/time by highlighting the header corresponding to the current date and indicating the current time on the time ruler

oDisplay all-day events above the timeline

oAn advanced time ruler with a customizable scale offering you the ability to display an additional time ruler for a different time zone

oScroll buttons displayed at the top or bottom of time rulers that indicate whether additional events exist in any non-visible region of the Day View. These buttons can be clicked to scroll to the next/previous event.


2.Week View - The DB Task Tracker Week view displays events for any given weekly period. Its primary features include:

oWeekend compression (also available for multiple resource views when grouping by dates - in this instance, week days are arranged horizontally)

oAble to display an event's start and end times using either digits or clocks

oOptional suppression for the end time of individual events

oButtons indicating that additional events exist but which did not fit into the screen region. Clicking this button switches the view to the corresponding date.

oCurrent date indication by highlighting the corresponding date header


3.Multi-Week View - The weeks view is the least detailed view designed to allow your end users to browse and analyze long-term plans. This view positions days one after another horizontally so that they construct weeks while weeks are placed one under another. Its primary features include:

oAutomatic coloring for dates corresponding to different months

oOptional weekend compression

oOptional suppression of event end times

oShowing event start time as digits or clocks

oButtons indicating that additional events exist but which did not fit into the screen region. Clicking this button switches the view to the corresponding date.

oCurrent date indication by highlighting the corresponding date header


4.Year View - Enables end-users to schedule and view tasks by year. Its primary features include:

oAbility alter the scale to an entire year, 6 months, or 3 months

oOption to only display all-day tasks in the scheduling area (or tasks whose duration exceeds 24 hours)

oOption to limit how many days can be selected

oCustomizable header popup menu

oAbility to switch to the Day, Week, Month, or Work Week calender view


5.Gantt View - Displays tasks as horizontal bars along the time axis. Its primary features include:

oUser events can be sequentially linked into a series within a certain time frame

oUser events can be optionally displayed as progress bars that display the completion percentage

oThe Tree Browser can be optionally displayed adjacent to the scheduling area, providing end-users with an alternative way to view and navigate event hierarchies in the Gantt View

oThe mouse wheel can be used to scroll the Gantt View up and down. Use [Ctrl]+Wheel will scroll the view left and right


6.Time Grid - Specifies tasks are chronologically ordered from left to right along a timescale. Its primary features include:

oOption to show expended Task Detail information

oAbility to show the time as a clock image

oOption to snap tasks to time blocks

oLimit the scheduling area display to only working days and working hours

oDetailed Scale settings for setting minor and major units (e.g. week, day, hour, etc.)

oAbility to define the minute value used for time (time step), which is displayed as the time unit (default=30 minutes)


Task Tree - Powerful tree-base display grid with filtering and drag-and-drop support


Multiple Resources Display - The multiple resources display enables your end users to browse several plans (for any entity such as an individual or office location, etc) simultaneously. To enable this feature, you simply need to provide several resources in the bound storage. Each resource is just an ID for a particular plan - it has a unique label and a caption to display within the calendar. As such, it doesn't matter which resource types you need to display - human resources, department resources, etc. Once resources have been created, the scheduler will display several parallel timelines. Following is a brief overview of the features available within the multiple resource view:

oIf resources are present, you can specify whether plans should be grouped first by dates or by resources. Note that you can change the default grouping style and override it for particular view types (days view, week view and weeks view)

oTimelines for different resources are automatically colored (You can also provide colors for resources manually.)

oThe scheduler provides a context menu allowing you to invoke the resource customization window. This enables end users to show, hide and rearrange resources with ease


Date Navigator - The DB Task Tracker's built-in date navigator offers extremely intuitive access to desired time frames. It doesn't matter whether you need to select a particular day, a range of days, a week or multiple weeks - everything is done with a single mouse operation! Each date selection change automatically updates the scheduler's view but this is not the end of the story - you can also use the date navigator as a separate control for any purposes you need. Its features include:


oAbility to display week numbers

oOptional bold mark-up for dates that have events assigned

oSwitching between integral or live sizing

oQuick month navigation by clicking the month header and scrolling the popup month list


Advanced Appearance Settings - Themes and many other visual options apply artistic and professional representations upon events





Tasks can be viewed by day, week, weeks, year, Ghant, or time grid using the following:









A custom "Label" color and description can be added to the DB Task Tracker. The color portion can be a named color, an integer, or an RGB value. The ADD_COLOR command should be executed at the start of the application as the custom colors/descriptions are not persistent between R:BASE sessions.




The predefined color/descriptions of an existing label can be changed using; COLOR_DESC[n] and COLOR_VALUE[n]. COLOR_DESC[n] changes the predefined description of a label, where n is a zero-based index as displayed in the drop down. COLOR_VALUE[n] changes the predefined color of a label, where n is a zero-based index as displayed in the drop down. The color can be a named color, an integer, or an RGB value.


PROPERTY TaskTracker COLOR_DESC[n] 'My Description'