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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: Reference Index > Entry/Exit Procedures (EEPs)

Form EEP Processing Order

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With the increasing power of EEPs in R:BASE releases, there are several different ways to run an EEP.


This is the order in which the Form EEPs are executed:


1.Custom EEP (embedded)
2.EEP (.eep external file)
3.Stored Procedure
4.Custom Form Action
5.Predefined EEP


Note: The code located within a Custom EEP, or a specified EEP file name would need to be manually removed if one of the lower priority options is subsequently selected as a replacement.


EEP Topics:


EEP Specific Commands

How to Define an EEP

Field Calculations

RECALC Command Options

EEP Restrictions

Redisplaying Field Values

EEP Example