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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > File System Controls > File List Box


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ð Visible Frame

Displays object frame when checked


ð Frame Hot Track

Enables the frame to glow when the mouse enters the control


ð Windows Theme

Applies the current Windows theme to the control


ð Frame Sides

Specifies which sides of the border are visible


ð Frame Settings

Frame Color

Specifies the color of the frame

Frame Hot Color

Specifies the glow color of the frame when "Hot Track" is enabled

Frame Hot Style

Specifies the hot style of the frame when "Hot Track" is enabled

Frame Style

Specifies the style of the frame


ð Columns

Determines the number of columns if the file list exceeds the length of the object


ð Item Height

Specifies the item height. With the "Extract OS Thumbnails Cache" property, images can be increased in size for improved detail.


ð File Mask

Limits which files are displayed in the control


The "File Mask" accepts wildcard character values like DOS prompt file masks. The asterisk (*) is a wildcard which matches any number of arbitrary characters. The question mark (?) is a wildcard which matches a single arbitrary character. The file mask *.* displays all files, which is the default value.


For example, when using the question mark, the File List Box will limit the displayed files to JPGs starting with "Image" and has a maximum of eight characters using the following mask: Image???.jpg


The asterisk can be used to specify any number of characters before or after the specified text, meaning the following will display images that contain any variation with the text "form" in the file name (e.g. CopyForm.jpg, FormSettings.jpg, etc.): *form*.jpg


Multiple masks can also be specified using a semicolon as the mask separator. For example, the following will limit the displayed files to JPG, PNG, and BMP images: *.jpg;*.png;*.bmp


To enhance the File List Box to use a mask dynamically, use the PROPERTY command within an EEP as follows, to display only PDF document that begin with the text "Invoice":


PROPERTY FileListBox1 MASK 'Invoice*.pdf'
