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Checks to see if a file or folder name exists, and also returns the status for a file. If no path is specified, the function checks for the file or folder name in the current directory. Otherwise, the function checks for the file or folder name in the specified location.


Return Value



file/folder does not exist


file/folder exists, but cannot be read or written to. Folders will return this value, as well as file name searches with wildcards.


file is marked as a read only


file is not marked as read only, but can only read it at this time (the file is opened by another program)


file can be read and written to


If the file is marked as hidden, the return value will be incremented by 10;

12 = read only and hidden

14 = can read and write and hidden





Example 01  (The brates.xlsx file exists, is marked hidden, and is opened):

SET VAR vFileStatus INTEGER = (FSTATUS('brates.xlsx'))

SHOW VAR vFileStatus



Example 02  (The CheckVersion.rmd file exists and is marked as read only):

SET VAR vFileStatus INTEGER = (FSTATUS('CheckVersion.rmd'))

SHOW VAR vFileStatus