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New Form Behavior

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ð Center In Work Area

Specifies the form is centered in the area not covered by the task bar


ð Use New Form Behavior

Allows the ability to set different display form behavior properties


ð Animation

Adds an animation to the opening form


Form Open Behavior - determines the animation behavior

Resolution - alters the pixel resolution in the animation

Tile Count - controls the number of animation tiles displayed

Time - sets the animation time duration, in milliseconds

Direction - controls the animation direction


ð Shadow -

Places a shadow behind the form, which appears down and to the right


Shadow Size - sets the shadow size in pixels


ð Gravitation -

Enables the form to snap, or gravitate, to the screen edges


Gravitation Size - sets the pixel distance from which the screen/form edge where the snap will occur

Snap to Forms - enables gravitation for forms, external forms, and MDI forms

Snap to Desktop - enables gravitation to the desktop edges


Gravitation can be set to enabled, and the form will snap to the desktop, by default. However, you can enable "Gravitation" and "Snap to Forms" leaving "Snap to Desktop" disabled, which will prevent the form from snapping to the desktop.
