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Problem Solving in R:BASE

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Identifying the problem is the first, but not necessarily the easiest, step in solving problems. Often a software problem starts as "The program doesn't work," or "it worked fine the last time I did it." Obviously, this sentiment isn't identifying the real problem. The challenge in finding a solution, is determining the real problem. Once the problem is identified, the solution follows.


Today's personal computer is an environment that can spawn untold problems-a complex piece of hardware with processors, disk drives, keyboards, monitors and other devices connected by cables and more cables. Accompanying the hardware is a complex operating system controlling the different devices, and above all is the application software, for example, R:BASE with its relational tables, forms, reports and programs. Many times a "computer problem" is not a problem at all, but simply a person's inability to remember all the processes and possibilities. Computers are the most obedient creatures around. They do exactly what they're told, nothing more and nothing less.


To get at the core of a problem, you need to eliminate some of the possible causes; fortunately, the process of elimination moves quickly. The comparison technique of problem solving works well and quickly with computer related problems to eliminate causes until only the actual problem remains.