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Tip! - A DB Navigator control can be converted to an Enhanced DB Navigator control. Within the Form Designer, right click on the DB Navigator and select the "Convert to Enhanced DB Navigator" option.


ð Size and Coordinates


Specifies the left (horizontal) ordinate pixel of the object


Specifies the top (vertical) ordinate pixel of the object


Specifies the object width, in pixels  


Specifies the object height, in pixels


Specifies the alignment of the object. The options are:

None - Object can be moved anywhere because it is not aligned to the parent object

Client - Aligns itself to the available client area by expanding to fill the parent object that it is in

Left - Aligns itself to the left side of the parent object growing or shrinking to match parent height

Right - Aligns itself to the right side of the parent object growing or shrinking to match parent height

Top - Aligns itself to the top side of the parent object growing or shrinking to match parent width

Bottom - Aligns itself to the bottom side of the parent object growing or shrinking to match parent width


ð Visible Buttons


Moves to the first record in the data set


Moves to the previous record in the data set


Moves to the next record in the data set


Moves to the last record in the data set


Inserts a record into the table

Duplicate Record

Duplicates the existing record


Deletes the current record from the table


Edits the current record


Saves the current record


Cancels any changes


Refreshes the current record

Close Window

Closes the form window


ð Table Name

Specifies the table to base the control on


ð Options

Flat Buttons

Allows the button to be appear flat and without a frame

Show Hints

Displays the defined hints

Exit and Reenter Active Control

Specifies the cursor focus upon an active control to exit and reenter in order to save changes


Displays the navigator bar horizontally or vertically

Image Style

Specifies the image style for the buttons


ð Component ID

Unique identifier used when passing property parameters in statements
