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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Variable Controls > Variable Image


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ð Size and Coordinates


Specifies the left (horizontal) ordinate pixel of the object


Specifies the top (vertical) ordinate pixel of the object


Specifies the object width, in pixels  


Specifies the object height, in pixels


Specifies the alignment of the object. The options are:

None - Object can be moved anywhere because it is not aligned to the parent object

Client - Aligns itself to the available client area by expanding to fill the parent object that it is in

Left - Aligns itself to the left side of the parent object growing or shrinking to match parent height

Right - Aligns itself to the right side of the parent object growing or shrinking to match parent height

Top - Aligns itself to the top side of the parent object growing or shrinking to match parent width

Bottom - Aligns itself to the bottom side of the parent object growing or shrinking to match parent width


ð Hint

Value which will display when the object is hovered over by the mouse cursor


ð Variable

Choose the variable whose value will appear in the object from the list of currently defined variables


ð Image Number

Specifies the image number when displaying images which contain multiple images (e.g. TIFF file). The image number begins at zero.


ð Attributes


Allows the background to become transparent to the parent object


Centers the image in the object


Resizes image to fill entire object


Resizes image to the proportions of the containing control

Show Hint

Displays the defined hint

Stretch DXF

Stretches DXF images. Setting the value to false will render the image using the correct aspect ratio.

Force Opaque

Forces a non-transparent image display, which removes flickering when images are refreshed

Low Resolution View Finder

Specifies the camera capture functionality will use a low-resolution feed for the view finder, but still take a picture using the target resolution. The option makes the camera more responsive. Note that when this property is checked (True), there will be a slight pause in the view finder when the picture is taken. This is because the camera will reset to the target resolution and take the actual picture.


ð Component ID

Unique identifier used when passing property parameters in statements
