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R:BASE 11 Help

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R:BASE Installation Options

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In a multi-user environment, the best location for the R:BASE program files depend on three considerations:


1.Whether R:BASE Remote Client Licenses will be used for launching the application

2.The number of workstations where R:BASE will be launched, and subsequent frequency of R:BASE program files updates for those workstations

3.The age of server hardware versus the age of local workstations

4.The application is developed considering each user has their own R:BASE configuration file stored locally. The file may contain the user's name and is recognized in the menu system.


Remote Use

With Remote Client Licenses where users will connect to the server through a Remote Desktop (Terminal Services) connection, R:BASE must be installed on the server. Once R:BASE is installed, each remote user will use the defined desktop shortcut to open the application.


Workstation Count

Based on the number of workstations where R:BASE will be installed and launched, 10 or higher, and the availability of access to the workstations, it would be easier to install R:BASE on a shared network drive. Another benefit is that when applying R:BASE program updates, there is only one installation to be updated, rather than updating every workstation individually.


Comparing Hardware

In some cases, R:BASE may run faster from a local hard disk than from a network server. When program and application files are shared from a server, you can lose speed as users take turns reading the files and then wait while the files are transmitted over the network. With a newer faster server, this may not be the case. You would need to compare the workstation and server specifications to see which method is more effective. If R:BASE will be installed on the workstations, and the server will only be used to store the database and application, R:BASE does not need to be installed on the server.


For any workstation where R:BASE development will be actively performed, the R:BASE program should be installed on the local computer. This will allow access to the help manuals and documentation.