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R:BASE 11 Help

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The R:BASE Engine RDEBUG setting is available to create a log file to help understand possible issues when running R:BASE commands and using ODBC with foreign data sources. The log file will contain Engine Functions as R:BASE establishes and frees connections, executes SQL statements, retrieves data and values, controls transactions, and handles data and values.


To enable debugging, add the RDEBUG setting to your R:BASE product configuration file, which creates a log file of the R:BASE Engine Functions.


The following provides the supported use of the RDEBUG setting in the configuration file:


01. - Debugging is off




02. - Debugging is on, where a log file is created in C:\




03. - Debugging is on with a file path and name. For the below, the rbengine.log file is created in the C:\Temp\RDEBUG\ folder.


RDEBUG ON C:\Temp\RDEBUG\rbengine.log


After the DEBUG setting has been turned ON or OFF, R:BASE must be restarted in order for the setting to be recognized.


Important: The debug setting and logging adds overhead to the R:BASE engine and performance will decrease. After logging has been captured for a desired event where an issue occurs, the debug setting should be set to OFF in the configuration file.


When RDEBUG is OFF the log file may remain in the configuration file.


RDEBUG OFF C:\Temp\RDEBUG\rbengine.log


The default location for the R:BASE configuration files is in "C:\Users\Public\RBTI", with RBENGINE11.CFG used for R:BASE 11.