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Report Preview Options

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The R:BASE Report Designer provides the option of displaying a preview of your report. By default, the preview mode of the Report Designer will only display the first 100 rows of table data. However, you can change the number of rows displayed in the Report Designer Default Settings. Click on Report Preview tab to choose from the following zoom settings:


Whole Page

Entire page is scaled to fit into the viewing area

Page Width

Page Width is fitted to width of viewing area (your screen resolution). A vertical scroll bar is provided to view page height.

100 Percent

Page is shown at full size, both vertical and horizontal scroll bars are provided as necessary.


Page is shown based on the value of the Zoom Percentage. The Zoom Percentage lets you enter a value between 1 and 250% which indicates the scaling percentage to be used when drawing the report page on the viewer panel.

First Page

Previews the first page of the report.

Prior Page

Previews prior page of the report.

Goto Page

Lets you enter a specific page number of the report to preview. If the Goto Page cannot successfully generate the requested page, it will stay on the currently displayed page.

Next Page

Previews next page of the report.

Last Page

Previews last page of the report.


While previewing the report, you may use the File > Print or Print to ... TXT, HTML, RTF, PDF, MS Excel, JPEG, GIF, BMP, EMF and WMF file options.