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(ROUND(arg1, arg2))


Returns a number rounded to a specified number of digits. The resulting variable value will be a DOUBLE data type. arg2 must be an INTEGER value.


 Where:        arg1 is the value to be rounded

             arg2 is the position to be rounded after the decimal point


 Example 01:


         SET VAR vNumber DOUBLE = 1.4567

         SET VAR vRound = (ROUND(.vNumber,1))


         Resulting vRound will be equal to 1.5


 Example 02:


         SET VAR vNumber DOUBLE = 1.4567

         SET VAR vRound = (ROUND(.vNumber,2))


         Resulting vRound will be equal to 1.46


 Example 03:


         SET VAR vNumber DOUBLE = 1.4567

         SET VAR vRound = (ROUND(.vNumber,3))


         Resulting vRound will be equal to 1.457