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R:BASE 11 Help

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Operating Condition




Default: ON


Mode: Single-user


SET CLEAR determines when R:BASE clears the internal buffers and transfers the data to disk.


When CLEAR is set on, the internal buffers are cleared and data is transferred to disk after each modification. Setting CLEAR on does not always make R:BASE automatically write each new or changed row to disk. For example, when you use a form, R:BASE writes the edits to disk when you finish using the form.


Set CLEAR off to write modified data to disk only when the buffer is full, a database is closed, or you exit R:BASE. If CLEAR is set off, repetitive modifications to a database can run faster, but you could lose all of your changes stored in the buffer if an accident, such as a fluctuation in power supply, occurs.


In multi-user mode, the CLEAR setting has no effect and always acts as though it is set on.