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R:BASE 11 Help

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Operating Condition


Syntax: SET LOOKUP value


Default: 5


SET LOOKUP tells R:BASE how many form look-up expressions to store in memory. Storing a look-up expression in memory enables R:BASE to display data more quickly in a form. The number of look-up expressions you can specify depends on the memory available in your computer. R:BASE needs approximately 500 bytes of RAM for each look-up expression. SET LOOKUP does not affect master look-up expressions or pop-up menus in a form.


For example, when your form contains 10 look-up expressions and LOOKUP is set to 5, only the first five look-up expressions are stored in memory. R:BASE must retrieve/reevaluate the remaining look-up expressions. So that the form works faster, you can set LOOKUP to a higher value to store more look-up expressions in memory.