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R:BASE 11 Help

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Operating Condition


Syntax: SET SCRATCH ON / OFF / TMP / <path>


Default: TMP


SET SCRATCH sets the drive and directory location for temporary files created when sorting data.



SET SCRATCH ON to store temporary sort files on the database drive and directory.


SET SCRATCH OFF to store temporary files on the current drive and directory.


SET SCRATCH TMP to store temporary files in the Windows TEMP directory.


SET SCRATCH <path> provides the path to the location where temporary files are stored.



You can use the SCRATCH command in the configuration file so that the setting is made prior to launching R:BASE.





By default, R:BASE configuration files include the TMP for SCRATCH setting.


This default will allow R:BASE or Oterro sessions to use the user's TMP environment settings for SCRATCH files on startup and eliminate all issues related to setting the SCRATCH directory and related files.


To take advantage of this setting, use the option "SCRATCH TMP" in the appropriate R:BASE and OTERRO configuration files or use the "SET SCRATCH TMP" command in your application startup files.