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Operating Condition




Default: OFF


Alters the display format of the directory contents, where the file names are listed.


With SHORTNAME set to ON, the DIR command lists the file name, extension, size in bytes, and the date and time files were last modified, only listing the contents in the traditional format.


Example 1:


The following command could be used to review the database files placed in a temp folder. The display uses SHORTNAME set to OFF.




Volume in drive C is Acer

Volume Serial Number is 4060-5572


Directory of C:\Temp\


17.11.11    04:56 PM              48,458 RBTIDATA.RX1

17.11.11    04:56 PM           3,112,960 RBTIDATA.RX2

17.11.11    04:56 PM             770,048 RBTIDATA.RX3

17.11.11    04:56 PM              12,288 RBTIDATA.RX4

25.08.11    01:38 PM              73,146 RRBYW20.RX1

25.08.11    01:38 PM           1,310,720 RRBYW20.RX2

25.08.11    01:38 PM             180,224 RRBYW20.RX3

25.08.11    01:38 PM           3,964,928 RRBYW20.RX4

          8 File(s)           9,472,772 bytes

          0 Dir(s)       41,285,623,808 bytes free


Example 2:


The following command could be used to review the database files placed in a temp folder. The display uses SHORTNAME set to ON.




Volume in drive C is Acer

Directory of C:\Temp\


RBTIDATA RX1      48458 17.11.11   04:56p RBTIDATA.RX1

RBTIDATA RX2    3112960 17.11.11   04:56p RBTIDATA.RX2

RBTIDATA RX3     770048 17.11.11   04:56p RBTIDATA.RX3

RBTIDATA RX4      12288 17.11.11   04:56p RBTIDATA.RX4

RRBYW20  RX1      73146 25.08.11   01:38p RRBYW20.RX1

RRBYW20  RX2    1310720 25.08.11   01:38p RRBYW20.RX2

RRBYW20  RX3     180224 25.08.11   01:38p RRBYW20.RX3

RRBYW20  RX4    3964928 25.08.11   01:38p RRBYW20.RX4

          8 File(s)         9472772 bytes

          8 Dir(s)      41285361664 bytes free