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R:BASE 11 Help

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Operating Condition


Syntax:        SET TIME SEQUENCE HHMMSS (time sequence)        

 SET TIME FORMAT HH:MM:SS (time format)        


Default:        SET TIME SEQUENCE HHMMSS (time sequence)        

 SET TIME FORMAT HH:MM:SS (time format)


SET TIME sets the time entry sequence and output format, using up to 20 characters. Set TIME entry sequence and display format in separate commands. Use H to specify hours, M for minutes, S for seconds, and .SSS for thousandths. TIME can be specified of up to thousandths of a second. R:BASE stores the setting with the database.


The keyword SEQ (sequence) sets the entry sequence such as HHMMSS while the keyword FOR (format) sets the display format. For example, the format HH:MM:SS can display 14:30:20. R:BASE displays midnight (24:00) as 0:00. You can also include AP to display time on a 12-hour clock. In the previous example, if you change the format to HH:MM:SS AP, R:BASE displays 2:30:20 PM. If the format contains spaces or commas, enclose the format in quotes. Enter the hours, minutes, and seconds in the order SEQ specifies.


Example: Valid Time Formats using two thirty and twenty seconds, p.m.


Time Format





2:30:20 PM




2-30-20 PM




2:30:20.245 PM



It is required that the order of items in the sequence must be in the same order as the items in the format. If H comes before M in the sequence, then H needs to come before M in the format as well.


It is supported to have the "SS.SSS" in the format, and omit the values from the sequence.


TIME can affect time functions. For best results, first set TIME to the default HH:MM:SS and then use the time functions.