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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Legacy Controls > DB Date/Time Picker


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ð Date Picker

Sets the control to interact with only DATE values


ð Time Picker

Sets the control to interact with only TIME values


ð Date Format

Specifies a Long or Short display format for DATE values


ð Alignment

Specifies the justification for the calendar. The options are:

Left - Calendar is left justified beneath the drop-down box

Right - Calendar is right justified beneath the drop-down box


ð Date/Time Format

Specifies the display format for the DATE or TIME value


ð First Day of Week

Specifies the first day of the week


ð Drop Columns

Specifies the number of calendar columns that will display


ð Drop Rows

Specifies the number of calendar rows that will display




Pressing [Del] key will assign the NULL value.


Pressing [Ctrl]+[Enter] key on a Date/Time Picker field will default to today's date/time. Using this optional key combination feature will also overwrite the existing value to today's date (if any).
