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Preparing the Application

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It is common to distribute and store the custom application files in the same directory, ensuring your application will run correctly if it is ever moved. After installing the R:BASE program files, you need to install the database, application, startup, and configuration files that you created using R:BASE.


The following steps provide instruction for setting up R:BASE to run on a local area network.


1.Determine where to load the database, application and startup files (R:BASE application).


Note: In a multi-user system, the database files should be located in a shared directory on the network server, not on a local drive.


2.Create the application directory on the network.
3.Copy the database, application, and startup files to the application directory.


Note: For multi-user systems only, provide users with network read, write, and create access rights. For more information about these access rights, refer to the documentation for your network.


4.Copy the customized configuration file from the development computer to the program directory.
5.Determine where to load the R:BASE program files for the end users.


Note: These files can be located in a shared network directory on the network server or on each workstation local drive.


6.After installing and copying the files to the appropriate directories, store a backup of the database, application, startup, and configuration in a safe place.


The following lists the directory contents for the custom application on a multi-user system that contains only one application.


Startup file (can include .DAT, .RMD, .RBA)

Database files (.RX1-.RX4)

Application files (can include .RFF, .RBA, .RMD, .EEP, .CMD, .APP, .etc.)

Configuration file (.CFG)


The following lists other possible directory contents for a custom application.


Plugin files (.RBM)

R:Charts chart files (.RBC)

R:BASE Themes DLL (RBThemes11.dll)

R:BASE Gateway import/export specification files (.RGW)

R:Synchronizer script files (.RSF)

R:Mail Editor Template files (.RMT)

Custom help file(s), if used in your application

Moving GIFs, if referenced in your PAUSE/DIALOG commands