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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Additional Controls > Split View


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ð Size

Compact Width

Specifies the object width when compacted/closed, in pixels

Opened Width

Specifies the object width when opened, in pixels  


ð Display Mode

Specifies the method for the opened behavior

Docked - the control is docked to the left or right edge of the form, and when opened, the client area is reduced by the width of the control

Overlay - when expended, the control displays on top of the client area of the form


ð Close Style

Specifies the appearance of the control when closed

Collapse - specifies the control is completely hidden. The "Auto Show/Hide" attribute will not be recognized when set to Collapse. The control must be manually opened/closed using the OPENED property (e.g. PROPERTY SplitView1 OPENED 'TRUE' or PROPERTY SplitView1 OPENED 'FALSE')

Compact - specifies the width of the control, when closed, is equal to the Compact Width value


ð Placement

Left - places the split view on the left side of the form

Right - places the split view on the right side of the form


ð Background Color and Font

Specifies the background color of the panel


Specifies the font style, size and color for the panel


ð Attributes

Auto Show/Hide

Expands/closes the split view when the mouse cursor enters/leaves the area. The setting is ignored when Close Style is set to Collapse.

Close On Menu Click

Closes the menu if the mouse button is clicked

Menu Mode

In Menu Mode the control displays the menu items. Otherwise, the control acts as a container control, similar to the Collapse Panel. The control can still parent other controls even in Menu Mode.


Displays the split view as opened by default

Use Animation

Uses a gradual expanding/collapsing behavior

Parent Background

Forces the control to follow the color attributes of its parent control, working like a transparency, in taking the parent object as the background

Full Repaint

Determines how the split view panel repaints itself when it is resized. When Full Repaint is checked/true, the entire panel, including the beveled border repaints when the size changes. When Full Repaint is unchecked/false, only the area inside the beveled border repaints.

Show Accelerator Character

Specifies if the captions will show the ampersand (&) symbol as opposed to underscoring the next character


ð Animation

Animation Delay

Specifies the time interval in milliseconds taken to display the speed of the animation. The smaller the Animation Delay value, the faster the animation.

Animation Step

The number of pixels by which the width of the control is adjusted during each step of the opening and closing animation.


ð Component ID

Unique identifier used when passing property parameters in statements
