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Enables searching for and replacing text within a specified string of text.


sourcestring - specifies a string of text to search

searchstring - specifies text to search for

replacestring - specifies the replacement text

flag - 0 = replacement occurs for every matching string

     - 1 = replacement occurs for whole word matches only



The following "0 flag" example replaces 04/20/64 with 04-20-64:


SET VAR vsrpl = (SRPL('04/20/64','/','-',0))


The following "1 flag" example replaces Dear Joe with Dear Anne:


SET VAR vsrpl = (SRPL('Dear Joe','Joe','Anne',1))


However, with this next "1 flag" example DearJoe remains the same as DearJoe is a whole word without a space.


SET VAR vsrpl = (SRPL('DearJoe','Joe','Anne',1))