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Here are some quick hints to help you around some common pitfalls.


Option added to check first word of commands.


R:BASE allows the following 2 syntax variations:


Syntax: varname = whatever


Syntax: SET VAR varname = whatever


With first word check option on, the first syntax will throw an error while the second will not. The second is more standard syntax. The first would be too complicated to be practical in R:Style. This is why this is optional, so you are not forced to our preferences, but at the same time you lose a very valuable checking feature.


Indenting not working the same


Check your configuration. You may have to fix the indenting and continued line indenting settings.


R:Style is misbehaving


Occasionally, the RSTYLEX5.CFG will get corrupted and cause R:Style to blow its cool. Delete the offending CFG and recreate it. R:Style should become well behaved once more.


Unloaded Structure


Since R:BASE unloads some of it's structure with lines broken in the middle of words, ALWAYS turn on R:Style's unwrapping option the first time you R:Style any code created by R:BASE's UNLOAD command.




When using the syntax "WHERE colname IN (list)" make sure to quote each value that could be mistaken for a command. V will be expanded to VAR while 'V' will be untouched. Technically, all string values should be quoted even though R:BASE will usually not complain if they are not. The best style is to quote all the elements of the list. Quoted text elements will never be added to RSTYLE.NEW.




When R:Style does not know a word it adds it to RSTYLE.NEW. If this file grows very large, R:Style will slow down. Move the words to RSTYLE.CAS or RSTYLE.VAR a priority. Any words that do not belong there are indications of a syntax error on your part (see LISTS above) or a bug in R:Style. You should never get dotted or ampersand variables in this file. If you do, please report the bug so it can be addressed. Please include the offending lines of code. You should get complete filespecs in this file. R:Style should not ever break up a filename or filespec if it is legal syntax.


Line Numbers


R:Style reports errors on the lines in the target file. If processing on a file is aborted for some reason, R:Style restores the original file so the reported line numbers may not match. In this case, fix whatever aborted the processing and try again to find the other errors.


Double Line Wrapping


The short wrapped code will be wrapped at or before the column specified. The following comments will be placed two columns beyond the designated wrapping column.




In some cases, when you have 2.11 or earlier code where the single quote is used around column names, R:Style will refuse to process the file. This is because there are more single quotes than double quotes in the file. Simply add enough SET QUOTES """" (that's 4 double quotes) to the beginning of the file so there are more double quotes in the file than single quotes.


Convex (Convert Express)


When using the CONVEX, converter utility by R:BASE Technologies, to convert from 2.11 to 4.5++, make sure to run the resulting code through R:Style with LINE UNWRAPPING turned ON so R:Style will be able to fix all the lines wrapped in the middle of words. Once that is done R:Style will work smoother with the resulting code


Make sure to make a backup of your database, first.


1.Now run the following:



OUTPUT forms.uld




2.Then run R:Style on the forms.uld


3.Finally, remove the old forms and load the R:Style corrected forms.



INPUT forms.uld