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Using the Data Dictionary

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The Data Dictionary is an R:BASE program utility that displays, and allows users to capture, information about the R:BASE environment and connected database.


The Data Dictionary is accessible from anywhere in R:BASE using the following methods:


1.Pressing the [F3] key

2.Selecting "Tools" > "Data Dictionary" from the main menu bar

3.Clicking on the Data Dictionary button, where provided


When using the Data Dictionary to capture information, such as a table name or several columns, the selection is automatically inserted where the cursor is located within an available input, e.g. the R:BASE Editor, or a text file. The "Apply" button captures and inserts the selected information and the window remains open. Clicking "OK" will capture the selected information and the window will close. If no input is available, the selection is stored in the Windows clipboard. If in the clipboard, the selection will be provided by pasting the content using [Ctrl+V] or by using a "Paste" menu option. When selecting multiple items within a list, the values captured are separated by a comma (or the current delimiter).



The Data Dictionary tabs are organized with distinctive color identifiers (triangle in top right corner) to improve the readability for the several different types of information presented. The tab stacking order may also be reorganized with drag-and-drop of an individual tab. The [Ctrl+Page Down] and [Ctrl+Page Up] hot keys allow the next/previous tab navigation. Whenever the Data Dictionary is launched, the display will default to the last tab used to capture information.


Based upon where the Data Dictionary is launched within R:BASE, the tabs displayed will vary. There are tabs which are only displayed while connected to a database, others that are only displayed while the Data Dictionary is launched within a designer interface, and other tabs that are permanently displayed.


Permanent Tabs

Database Tabs

Designer Tabs



The Data Dictionary recognizes the MDI setting, and when ON, will remain open while other areas of R:BASE are used. When MDI is ON, the "OK" button is not displayed. When focus is switched back to the Data Dictionary, the content will automatically refresh (only in MDI mode).



The Data Dictionary buttons alter the display of items listed within the window, how the tabs are displayed, and how the selected values are captured.






Small Icons_24px

Displays items as large icons

List of Thumbnails_24px

Displays items as small icons

Bulleted List_24px

Displays items as a list

Week View_24px

Displays items as details


Displays tabs on the top edge


Displays tabs on the bottom edge


Displays tabs on the left edge


Displays tabs on the right edge


Includes a space directly after the comma, so that after a string of values is added to a command file, the [Ctrl+Arrow] keys can be used to move the cursor between values with greater ease


Show/Hide Grid Lines


Show/Hide Multi-line Tabs


Text Searches

A "Find in Data Dictionary" search utility [Ctrl+N] is available to locate text of objects within the active tab. The entry box is also a drop down where the search history is available in the drop down items. To clear the history, press the [Ctrl+R] key combination. The search history is saved in the C:\Users\<User>\RBTI\ folder within the DATADICT.RST file.

