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R:BASE 11 Help

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Version Control

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R:BASE must be used to develop the database and custom application. The R:BASE version and build used to create and customize the application must also be used to run the application. For example. if the users are running the custom application with R:BASE 11, the database and applications must have been developed with R:BASE 11. Along with the R:BASE product version, the product build should also match between the development environment and end user computers. For example, if the development computer is running R:BASE 11 Build:, the end users should also run the exact build. To verify the version and build for an R:BASE installation, you can type SHOW VERSION at the R> Prompt.



R:BASE 11, U.S. Version, Build:


R:BASE Plugins

R:BASE plugins can be used to enhance, or extend R:BASE operations. R:BASE 9.x and higher versions use plugins with the .RBM file extension. R:BASE 7.x and Turbo V-8 versions use the .RBL file extension. The R:BASE plugin version must match the R:BASE software version in order to work properly.