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Y2K Compliance

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For more information on Y2K Compliance please visit our Y2K Page at


To check the Y2K compliance of your database do the following.  


1.Go to an R> Prompt  
2.Connect to your Database  
3.Type SHOW DATE  


Most likely the settings will be as follows... (This is the default for upgraded databases).  







If so, then your database is NOT Y2K compliant. To activate the Y2K compliancy features of your database we recommend the following:  


Set your Format to 4 Y's

When they are set that way then 1/1/1999 will be seen as a valid year and 1/1/99 will also be a valid year. If you are set to 2 Y's then only 1/1/99 will be a valid year.  


Set the Date Year to a Convenient Year

The Date Century and Date Year determine how 2 digit years such as 1/1/99 are handled. To determine your settings mentally combine the century and the year (in this case 19 and 0 make 1900) and then add 99 (in this case 1999) all two digit years will be interpreted as being between these dates. Setting Date Year to 80 will result in 19 + 80 giving 1980 and then adding 99 making 2079. Thus all two digit dates will be between 1980 and 2079. For example a date entered as 1/1/60 would be seen as 2060.  


Older versions set to four Y's would see 2 digit dates as being complete four digit years. For example, 1/1/99 would be January First in the year 99. This is known as First Century data. For this reason if your database is already set to four Y's on the format we recommend using the following command to check for invalid dates:  


TALLY datecol FROM tablename WHERE datecol < 1/1/1950


This should build a list of all dates (and how often they occur) that are possibly incorrectly entered and that you can then deal with. Be careful not to go overboard. For example: if you have your family tree stored in an R:BASE Database then be careful that you leave Great Grandmother's birthday in the 1800's where it is supposed to be even though the Tally command above would flag that as an "invalid" date.


To resolve data issues where date values are listed as 1900, 1901, etc., where the expected value is 2000, 2001, etc., please continue.


1.Disconnect and make a backup copy of your database.

2.Start R:BASE and connect to the database.

3.At the R> prompt, type:


UPDATE TableName SET DateColumnName = (ADDYR(DateColumnName,100)) +

WHERE (IYR(DateColumnName)) IN (1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910)




"TableName" is the name of table

"DateColumnName" is the name of date column in that table