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Use the ZIP command to execute external programs without closing a database or leaving R:BASE.







Specifies the name of the external program to execute.



Executes programs that are too large to fit into the memory remaining after starting R:BASE. This option exits from R:BASE saving the current variables and environment before executing the external program. When the external program is exited, R:BASE restarts and the variables and environment are renewed. Under Windows, this will also force R:BASE to release accumulated memory that may not otherwise be released.



This option is for R:BASE for DOS only, which causes R:BASE to return to the line in the application following the line containing the ZIP RETURN command.



This option is for R:BASE for DOS only, which starts the DOS COMMAND shell. It is best to specify the path to your COMMAND.COM, which will vary based upon the operating system version.


/C 'batchfile'

Specifies a batch file to be executed by the command shell.


About ZIP


ZIP allows you to call an external program from within R:BASE. The ZIP command is geared towards the DOS platform. For Windows, use the LAUNCH command. ZIP operates differently in R:BASE for DOS versus R:BASE for Windows. In R:BASE for Windows, you can specify a Windows program to be executed.


In either Windows or DOS you can call a batch file that uses the Windows START command to launch a Windows program. For example START /WAIT NOTEPAD in a batch file will start the Notepad program and wait for Notepad to close before returning control to R:BASE. If you do not use the /WAIT option then as soon as START had launched the Notepad program it would finish and control would pass back to R:BASE. This is because R:BASE is only watching the START. Use START /? at a command Prompt to see the other options available.




The following command runs an external program named SmallEd. When you exit from SmallEd, R:BASE continues at the point where you ran the ZIP command.


ZIP SmallEd


The following command, when run in R:BASE Windows, runs Notepad and specifies that the ABC.TXT file be opened.