Designing is an important step in building a label. Before you begin to build the label, you should know what you want to include and how you want it to look.
Customer's full name
Company name
City, State Zip
To give your final output a professional appearance, you'll need to define two variables to complete this label. Creating variables allows you to combine the information in two or more columns.
In the SkyWrite database, customer names are stored in two columns-CustomerFirstName and CustomerLastName. On the label, you want only one space between first and last name, so you'll define a variable that combines the values in these two columns. That way, even if a customer has a very short first name, there won't be any gap between it and the last name.
It's a good idea to define a variable for the line that contains the city, state, and zip code. By defining a variable for this information, you can add a comma after CustomerCity and eliminate any gaps between the fields.