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R:BASE 11 Beginners Tutorial

In this lesson you have:


Defined SkyWriteApp, an application with four menus.

Added a condition to edit rows in the Employee and Customer tables by a specific last name.

Ran the application and tested the options on the Employees, Customers, and Flights menus.


To check your knowledge, try answering the following questions:


1.How many databases is an application associated with?
2.How many menus can you have in an application?
3.How many menu levels can an application have?
4.How many menu levels does SkyWriteApp have?
5.In this lesson you built a condition to use when editing rows in the Employee and Customer tables. What is the purpose of building a condition?
6.When editing rows of data using a form, how do you display the next row?
7.How do you modify an application?
8.How do you use the accelerator character key combinations to open menus?