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A breakpoint is an interruption in the Trace Debugger at specific point as the command file is processed. Adding breakpoints to your command files during the debugging process provides time-saving control to stop execution, evaluate watch variables and/or environment changes and act accordingly to feedback provided.


Breakpoints are useful in the following situations:


To advance to a specific part of a command file, such as an area that needs more debugging, without stepping through the whole file.

To watch the results of each iteration through a WHILE loop--set a breakpoint near the end of the loop.

To watch the results of an IF...ENDIF statement--place a breakpoint inside the IF...ENDIF block and processing stops when the condition(s) are true.


Follow these guidelines when using breakpoints:


You can have a maximum of 25 breakpoints per session.

If a command spans more than one line, you must set the breakpoint on the last line of the multi-line command.

You cannot set a breakpoint on a comment or on a line with no code on it. The Trace Debugger does not recognize breakpoints on non-executable lines.

Breakpoints set on commands that start with DEBUG work only when DEBUG is set to ON.

To execute the file between the present position and the next breakpoint, press the [F5] hot key.

If you set a breakpoint inside a WHILE loop, the Trace Debugger will only stop on the breakpoint if the WHILE loop condition(s) are met. The same is true for IF...ENDIF and SWITCH...ENDSWITCH blocks.

To assist in searching large files to apply a breakpoint, use the Go to Line [F4] feature