ð General Field Name Displays the field name being modified or under review Caption Specifies the display caption for the column Width Specifies the column width in pixels Minimum Width Specifies the minimum allowed column width in pixels Best Fit Minimum Width Specifies the maximum width (in pixels) for the current column to best fit Sort Order Specifies the field sort order; ascending, descending, or none Sort Index Specifies the index of the current column within sorted columns. This property specifies the column's position within the Tree List control's "Sorted Columns" collection. End-users can add or remove columns from this collection by clicking column headers while holding down the [Shift] and [Ctrl] keys. Setting the "Sort Index" property to –1 removes the column from the Sorted Columns collection, and sets the column's "Sort Order" property to None. The Sorted Columns collection stores columns whose "Sort Order" property is other than None. The order of columns in the collection defines the sorting hierarchy. Visible Specifies if the column is visible
ð Header Horizontal Alignment Specifies the horizontal justification of the text within the column header Vertical Alignment Specifies the vertical justification of the text within the column header Glyph Specifies a glyph image to display for the header, which can be loaded, deleted, and previewed Glyph Horiz Alignment Specifies the horizontal justification of the glyph within the column header Glyph Vert Alignment Specifies the vertical justification of the glyph within the column header Multi-Line Specifies whether the caption is drawn across several lines Show End Ellipsis Specifies whether to display an end ellipsis when the content is clipped
ð Position Band Index Specifies the band that contains the column. The band is identified by its index within the Tree List control's Bands collection. To remove a column from its band, set the "Band Index" property to –1. As a result, the column will be hidden in the Tree List control. To access the properties of a band containing a particular column, use the Band property. Column Index Specifies the horizontal position of the column within its band Line Count Specifies the column header's height, in text lines Row Index Specifies the vertical position of the column within its band. Use this property to stack columns within a band. Once assigned, the Row Index property value identifies a band row containing the current column. This value is equal to the number of columns that are stacked on the column.
The image below shows stacked columns and their Column Index and Row Index property values.