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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > DB Lookup List View


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ð Columns

Lists the column items


ð New Item

Adds the current value as a new item


ð Delete

Deletes the currently selected item


The List View item display sequence can be reordered by selecting the green up and down arrow buttons


ð Column Properties


Specifies a text string that identifies the column

Alignment (H, V)

Specifies the horizontal and vertical justification of the column

Min/Max Width

Specifies the minimum and maximum widths of the column


Specifies the quantity of pixels in width the object is


Specifies if the column will automatically resize based on the width of the entire List View. The columns where Autosize is true becomes dynamic and will equally take the leftover space of the non-Autosize columns.

Header Color and Font

Specifies the background color and font properties (name, style, size, effects, color) for the column header

Column Color and Font

Specifies the background color and font properties (name, style, size, effects, color) for the column

Image Field

Specifies the column field that stores the image index value




The alignment of the leftmost column is always left aligned. This is standard behavior for List View controls, and cannot be changed.


Refer to the Colors page for the order in which each "color" feature takes precedent.
