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The Day view type enables end-users to schedule and view tasks by day.


All Day Area Scroll Bar

Specifies the vertical scroll bar's availability in an all-day event area

Task Images Layout

Specifies how icons are arranged in the task rectangle

Group Kind

Specifies the kind of the task grouping in the scheduling area

Default - If more than one resource is set, the grouping behavior is the same as that specified with the By Resource setting. If one or no resource is set, the grouping behavior is the same as that specified with the None setting.

None - schedules are not grouped. Tasks are displayed altogether in every day in chronological order

By Date - schedules are grouped by dates and resources

By Resource - schedules are grouped by resources

Time Scale

Specifies the interval for the time rulers and time blocks in the scheduling area

Always Show Task Time

Specifies whether the start and end times are shown in the task rectangle

Auto Content Height

Specifies whether the visual interval of the time blocks is changed when an end-user resizes the scheduler control's height

Can Show

Specifies whether the specified time view can be displayed in the scheduling area

Show Day Header Area

Specifies whether a day header is displayed

Show Task Shadows

Specifies whether the task rectangle is formatted as shadowed

Show Header Container

Specifies whether the all-day event area (which is located at the top of a day in the scheduling area) is shown

Show All Day Tasks In Content

Specifies whether all-day tasks are displayed within the all-day event area, or within the content area

Show Time Ruler Minutes

Specifies whether minutes are displayed in time rulers

Show Work Time Only

Specifies whether only working hours are displayed in the scheduling area

