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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Variable Controls > Advanced Variable Rich Edit


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ð Visible Frame

Displays object frame when checked


ð Frame Hot Track

Enables the frame to glow when the mouse enters the control


ð Windows Theme

Applies the current Windows theme to the control


ð Frame Sides

Specifies which sides of the border are visible


ð Frame Settings

Frame Color

Specifies the color of the frame

Frame Hot Color

Specifies the glow color of the frame when "Hot Track" is enabled

Frame Hot Style

Specifies the hot style of the frame when "Hot Track" is enabled

Frame Style

Specifies the style of the frame


ð Color Options

Disabled Color

Specifies the background color of the control when disabled

Focus Color

Specifies the background color of the control when focused

Read-Only Color

Specifies the background color of the control when set to "read only"

Read-Only Color on Focus

Enables the "Read-Only" Color if the cursor focus is on the control


ð Additional Options

Allow Selection

If enabled (default), user can select contents using the mouse or keyboard

Single Click

If enabled, a double click is generated with a single mouse click

Client Text Width

If enabled, text always wraps to fit client width

Show Checkpoints

If enabled, all checkpoints are shown

Show Page Breaks

If enabled (default), page breaks are shown as horizontal lines

Show Special Characters

If enabled, non-printing characters are displayed with special marks: spaces, non breaking spaces, paragraph breaks, line breaks, tabs, soft hyphens in Unicode text.

Double Click Selects Word

If enabled (default), double click on a word selects it (and double click on non-text item selects the item)

Right Clicking Deselects

If enabled (default), right click outside the selected area deselects

Disable Drag

If enabled, dragging from the control is not allowed

Show Item Hints

If enabled, hints for the items can be displayed. Show Hint must also be enabled.

Fast Formatting

Increases performance, but at the cost of some resources

Word Wrap

Forces text to wrap at the nearest word based on the user defined width


ð Auto-scroll Interval

Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, for the scrolling text to advance. The AUTOSCROLLCONTENT property must be used to begin scrolling of the content for the control, which can only be assigned (TRUE/FALSE) at runtime with the PROPERTY command.




The text will automatically scroll, and when reaching the end of the text, resets to the top and continues scrolling.
