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R:BASE 11 Help

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ERASE (Short Name: ERA)

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Use the ERASE command to delete a file.







Specifies a file name with a drive and path specification in the form D:\PATHNAME\FILENAME.EXT.


About the ERASE Command


If the file is in the current directory, you can omit its path name in the file specification.


R:BASE requires you to close a database before erasing it. ERASE is irreversible. When you use a wildcard with ERASE at the R> Prompt, R:BASE prompts you to press [Esc] to cancel, or [Enter] to delete the files.




The following command erases all files in the OLDSALES directory on the current drive.


ERASE oldsales\*.*


The following command lines close then erase the four files of the mydb database in the OLDDATA directory on drive E:.



ERASE e:\olddata\mydb.rb?