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The Property/Field Map options represents the set of table field/column names used for binding to the persistent DB Task Tracker properties.


ð Property/Field Map


Specifies the caption of the current task, and maps the task Caption property to the corresponding table field/column. The TEXT cannot exceed 255 characters, and must allow NULL values.


Specifies the unique identifier value for tasks, and maps the task ID property to the corresponding table field/column. It is recommended to use the INTEGER data type to improve performance.

Group Header ID

Specifies the task group's identifier, and maps the Task Group ID property to the corresponding table field/column. In the Gantt view type, the Group ID property identifies tasks that are used as task groups, where the tasks have the same Group ID value, and are linked to a single task ID. It is recommended to use the INTEGER data type to improve performance. The field must allow NULL values. The Group ID must have the same data type as the ID column definition.


Specifies the task start time, and maps the task Start property to the corresponding table field/column. The value must be a DATETIME or TIME data type.


Specifies task finish time and maps the task Finish property to the corresponding table field/column. The value must be a DATETIME or TIME data type.

Task Type

Specifies the status of the current task's reoccurrences, and maps the Task Type property to the corresponding table field/column. The value must be an INTEGER data type.


Task Type



None - The task is not recurring.


Pattern - The task is a parent of the recurrence chain.


Occurrence - The occurrence is spawned from the parent.


Exception - No reoccurrence at the specified time in the chain of reoccurrences for the recurring task.


Custom - The occurrence's details are changed.



Specifies whether a task is an all day event, enabled, a reminder, collapsed, or a group item, and maps the Task Options property to the corresponding table field/column. The value must be an INTEGER data type, and must allow NULL values.


The Options field is interpreted as bit level flags. The Option value for a normal task is 3 (1+2 or All Day Event + Enabled).


Option Type



All Day Event




Reminder is On/Off


Task is Expanded/Collapsed


Group Header


Task Index

Specifies the order/row in which the current task resides, and maps the Task Index property to the corresponding table field/column. The Task Index property is a zero-based index that defines the vertical layout of tasks in the Gantt view type, regardless of the task dependency relationship. For example, Tasks with a common Group ID will be grouped together, and listed based upon their Task Index value. The value must be an INTEGER data type.

Task Complete

Specifies the task completion, as a percentage, and maps the Task Complete property to the corresponding table field/column. The value must be an INTEGER data type.

Task Status

Specifies the task status, and maps the Task Status property to the corresponding table field/column. The value must be an INTEGER data type.


Task Status



Not Started - The task has not been started, where the Task Complete property value is 0.


In Progress - The task is in progress, where the Task Complete property value is between 0 and 100.


Complete - The task has been completed, where the Task Complete property value is 100.


Waiting - The Task Complete property value is 0 to 100.


Deferred - The Task Complete property value is 0 to 100.


Actual Finish

Specifies the task's end date or the end date of its last occurrence if the task is recurring, and maps the Actual Finish property to the corresponding table field/column. The value must be a DATETIME or TIME data type, but the column definition must match the Finish column definition. If the current task is recurring then the Actual Finish property will get the end date of its last occurrence. The Start and Finish properties specify the period of time that the task lasts for. The Actual Start and Actual Finish properties define the date range of a chain of reoccurrences if the task is recurring. Thus it can significantly improve performance when reoccurrence data is retrieved from the database.

Actual Start

Specifies the task's start date or the start date of its first occurrence if the task is recurring, and maps the Actual Start property to the corresponding table field/column. The value must be a DATETIME or TIME data type, but the column definition must match the Start column definition. If the current task is recurring then the Actual Start property will get the start date of its first occurrence, otherwise it gets the start date of a regular task. The Start and Finish properties define the period of time that the task lasts for. The Actual Start and Actual Finish properties define the date range of a chain of reoccurrences if the task is recurring. Thus it can significantly improve performance when reoccurrence data is retrieved from the database.

Label Color (FG/BG)

Specifies a task's current foreground and background colors, and maps the Label Color properties to the corresponding table fields/columns. The value must be an INTEGER data type, and must allow NULL values. The Label Color properties can be used to color a task that meets certain specific criteria, so it can be easily identified. Values accepted include Integer Color (any RGB combination). There are special colors that maps to defined labels:


Label Color Value

Label Description










Must Attend


Travel Required


Needs Preparation






Phone Call


When displaying tasks with varying background colors, the ability to utilize dynamic text (foreground) colors on a per task basis is a helpful addition. The following is the order of priority:


01. Label Color FG

02. Styles > Tasks tab > Task > Text Color

03. Auto Detect (Label Color FG is not assigned and "Styles > Tasks tab > Task > Text Color" is unchecked). Auto-detect switches between black or white depending on the brightness of the background.


Using "Label Color FG" is the most flexible because any color can be used, but "Auto Detect" is the easiest (simply set the background and the control will determine the readable text color).



Specifies the text that represents the location at which the current task is being held, and maps the Location property to the corresponding table field/column. The TEXT cannot exceed 255 characters, and must allow NULL values.


Specifies the text for the end-user's description of the current task, and maps the Message property to the corresponding table field/column. The TEXT cannot exceed 255 characters, and must allow NULL values.


Specifies the text for the hint value when the mouse is over the current task, and maps the Hint property to the corresponding table field/column.

Parent ID

Specifies a unique identifier for a task object, and maps the Parent ID property to the corresponding table field/column. It is recommended to use the INTEGER data type to improve performance. The Parent ID must have the same data type as the ID and Group ID column definition. The Parent ID field will only contain a value, if the current record represents a Custom or Exception occurrence type (see the Task Type property above) of the recurring task. If the Task Type property of the current object has an Exception or Custom value, the Parent ID property identifies the task object that is the ancestor in a chain of reoccurrences (the Task Type's value of this object is Pattern). If the task is not recurrent, the Parent ID property has no effect.

Reminder Date

Specifies the date and time of the task's reminder, and maps the Reminder Date property to the corresponding table field/column. The value must be a DATETIME or TIME data type. The value of the Reminder Date property can be specified in two ways: either by assigning a value directly to the Reminder Date field or by using the Reminder Minutes Before Start property. In the latter case, its value is calculated automatically based upon values of the Reminder Minutes Before Start and Start values. Use the Reminder Date property to manually snooze a reminder.

Reminder Minutes Before Start

Specifies the time-out in minutes for the reminder of the current task, and maps the Reminder Minutes Before Start property to the corresponding table field/column. The value must be an INTEGER data type, and must allow NULL values. Use the Reminder Minutes Before Start property to specify how many minutes before the task occurs that the reminder alerts.


Specifies the availability status of the current task, and maps the State property to the corresponding table field/column. The value must be an INTEGER data type, and must allow NULL values. The availability status is used for at-a-glance task identification. There are four predefined states which can be assigned to the current task – Free, Tentative, Busy, and Out of Office. To indicate the availability status of a task, a strip appears around it when it's selected or to its left when it's inactive. The strip is colored in the following manner:


State Value

State Description


Free - Blue strip around task


Tentative - Clear strip around task


Busy - Violet strip around task


Out of Office - Blue strip around task with light diagonal stripes


Note: The availability status is only visible under the day view.


ð Holidays Property/Field Map


Specifies the table/view to base the holiday events on


Specifies the text that represents a collection of holiday locations or holiday group (e.g. National, City, Company, Personal, etc. ), and maps the Holiday Location property to the corresponding table field/column. The TEXT cannot exceed 255 characters, and must allow NULL values.


Specifies the holiday date, and maps the Holiday Date property to the corresponding table field/column. The value must be a DATETIME or DATE data type.


Specifies the holiday description, and maps the Holiday Description property to the corresponding table field/column. The TEXT cannot exceed 255 characters, and must allow NULL values.
