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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Applications > Application Designer

Getting Started

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Before starting the design process, you will want to sit down and diagram the menu structure of the application, and its associated actions, so that the whole process can be done in a logical manner.


In the "Test Application" sample provided, you will see the following menus:


Employee Menu

Product Menu

Customer Data Menu


Under these main menus, you will see a sub-menu tree like the following:


Employee Menu:


Enter a New Employee

Edit an Existing Employee


Product Menu:


Product Search

Associated Components


Customer Data Menu:


Sort Order


By Area Code

By Customer Name

By Customer State


Also, there is a toolbar that has a drop-down list of all the:





Dialog Command Masks


And, a toolbar pushbutton to start a demonstration of the enhanced PAUSE commands.


Now that you see the menu structure, you need to understand the actions that actually execute when you select one of the items diagramed above.


For example, looking at the Employee Menu, the first item is Enter a New Employee. In the ConComp database that the application is based on, there is a form called Employee which is used for this purpose. This menu item requires a simple ENTER USING Employee statement. The next item in the Employee Menu is Edit an Existing Employee. For this item, there is a Custom Action that prompts the user with a CHOOSE box that displays the available employees for the user to pick from, and then uses the Employee form in the EDIT mode to display the appropriate data for the selected employee. You will see a more detailed explanation of the Action section later in the document.