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R:BASE 11 Help

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File Logic and Behavior (New vs. Old)

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Since R:BASE 7.0, there is a new R:BASE Application file logic and behavior that differs from the versions 6.5++ and lower.


When you create an application with the R:BASE Application Designer, the end result is a single file with an .RBA file extension. There are no longer any .APP or .APW files to worry about. All of the information for the application is stored in this single, binary file which is NOT manually editable anywhere, other than in the R:BASE Application Designer.


One major advantage of this new system is its ability to associate the new file extension with R:BASE, so that a double click upon any .RBA file will launch the application automatically. This method avoids the need to create a separate startup file to issue the legacy standard statement: "RUN procedure IN appfile.APX".


Another major point is that when you run the application either by double clicking, issuing a "LAUNCH 'AppName.RBA'" command, or from the "Run" option in the Database Explorer, the application will not allow the user to quit to the R:BASE session itself, thus increasing application security.


When the application is closed, the R:BASE session terminates. In older versions of R:BASE, the application would quit to the R> Prompt if an error occurred. This will no longer be an issue.