Use the LIST command to display or print information about a database.
Displays by table the column numbers, column names, data types, sizes, indexes, autonumbering status, expressions for computed columns, default values, column descriptions, table description, and row count for each table in the open database. A blank line will be inserted between each table.
Specifies to sort the information output alphabetically in ascending order.
Displays the column name, table name, and attributes for each autonumbered column in the database.
Displays a list of tables with the CASCADE flag, and the type of flag; UPDATE, DELETE, or BOTH.
Displays the name, data type, size, table name, index status, autonumbering status, expression, any default value, and description for each column in the open database.
COLUMN colname
Displays the name, data type, size, table name, index status, autonumbering status, expression, any default value, and description for the column that you enter in every table. If you specify part of a column name followed by a wildcard character, R:BASE will only show the column names that match that pattern.
Displays the column name, table name, and attributes for each QualKey column in the database.
Displays the column name, table name, and attributes for each computed column in the database.
Displays the name, type, table name, and referenced table for each constraint in the database.
Specifies a table name for which to list constraints.
Specifies the status of cursors and cursor definitions.
Lists all databases in the current directory, including the date/time stamp when the database was last opened, the last data modification date/time stamp, and the last schema modification date/time stamp.
Lists all dBASE tables attached to the database.
Displays the column name, table name, and attributes for each column with a default value definition in the database.
Specifies to sort the information output alphabetically in descending order.
Displays all defined foreign keys detailing the key ID number, type of key (foreign), table name the key is located in, column name of the foreign key in the table, table name the foreign key references, and the column name the foreign key references.
FKEYS FOR tblname
Displays all defined foreign keys for a table detailing the key ID number, type of key (foreign), table name the key is located in, column name of the foreign key in the specified table, table name the foreign key references, and the column name that the foreign key references.
Displays the name, driving table or view, description, date/time stamp, and version for every form in the open database.
FORMS formname
Displays the name, driving table or view, description, date/time stamp, and version for formname. If you specify part of a form name followed by a wildcard character, R:BASE will only show the form names that match that pattern.
FORMS FOR tblname
Displays the name, driving table or view, description, date/time stamp, and version for all forms defined for tblname.
Displays all defined DLL functions.
Displays all defined indexes detailing the name, table name, column name(s), and if the entry is a Not NULL index.
Displays all defined indexes for a table detailing the name, table name, if the entry is a Not NULL index, column name(s), data types, orders, and sizes.
INDEXES indexname
Displays the name, table name, if the entry is a Not NULL index, column name(s), data types, orders, and sizes for an index name.
Displays the name, driving table or view, description, date/time stamp, and version for every label in the open database.
LABELS labelname
Displays the name, driving table or view, description, date/time stamp, and version for labelname. If you specify part of a label name followed by a wildcard character, R:BASE will only show the label names that match that pattern.
LABELS FOR tblname
Displays the name, driving table or view, description, date/time stamp, and version for all labels defined for tblname.
Lists all locked tables within the database.
Displays all defined primary keys detailing the key ID number, the type of key (primary), if it is referenced in another table, and the table name the key is located in.
PKEYS FOR tblname
Displays all defined primary keys for a table detailing the key ID number, type of key (primary), column name of the primary key in the specified table, table name that references the primary key, and the column name that references the primary key.
Displays the name and description for every procedure in the open database.
PROCEDURE procname
Displays the name, description, ID, date last modified, version, locked by (if locked) and return type for the specified procedure. Also, if the procedure was stored with parameters, the number of parameters, names and descriptions will be displayed.
Displays the name, driving table or view, description, date/time stamp, and version for every report in the open database.
REPORTS reportname
Displays the name, driving table or view, description, date/time stamp, and version for reportname. If you specify part of a report name followed by a wildcard character, R:BASE will only show the report names that match that pattern.
Displays the name, driving table or view, description, date/time stamp, and version for all reports defined for tblname.
Displays whether rules checking is set on or off, the table name, whether the conditions in the WHERE clause must be met, the rule message, and the WHERE clause for every rule in the open database.
RULES FOR tblname
Displays whether rules checking is set on or off, the table name, whether the conditions in the WHERE clause must be met, the rule message, and the WHERE clause for all rules defined for tblname.
Lists all Server tables attached to the database.
Displays a summary of system tables and views.
The LIST TABLES command shows the database comment, number of tables, columns, indexes, views, stored procedures, forms, reports, and labels in the database, followed by the number of users connected, the last data modification date/time stamp, and the last schema modification date/time stamp. Then, the LIST command displays the database name, table name, number of columns, number of rows for each table in the open database, and lists all tables, attached dBASE files, and attached foreign server tables. These numbers all include system tables.
Displays a detailed list of system tables and views.
TABLES tblname
Displays the name and description of the table, table number, name, data type, size, index status, autonumbering status, expression, default value, description, constraints, and index types for each column in the table. Columns are displayed in the order they were defined. The same output is displayed if you enter LIST tblname as a command.
Lists all temporary tables for the database.
Displays all of the tables that have triggers and their triggers in the open database.
Displays the triggers for the specified table.
Displays the key ID number, the type of key (unique), and the table name the key is located in.
UKEYS FOR tblname
Displays the key ID number, the type of key (unique), and the column name the unique key is assigned to.
Displays the database name and the names of all the views in the open database. The list displays the view name, number of columns, comment in the open database, along with the table(s)/view(s) that the view is based upon. Temporary views will display a "(T)" in front of the view name.
VIEWS viewname
Displays the name and the SELECT clause defined for the view. If you specify part of a view name followed by a wildcard character, R:BASE will only show the name and the SELECT clause that match that pattern.
About the LIST Command
If the LIST command is entered without any options, R:BASE executes the LIST TABLES command. The total number of tables and columns listed includes R:BASE system tables (of which some are hidden) and their associated columns.
You can use wildcards to display objects that match a specific pattern.
Column numbers (#1, #2, etc.) that are displayed with the LIST command can be entered in other commands instead of column names. The following command would display the first column, custid, in the customer table.
SELECT #1 FROM customer
Table Locks
LIST displays locked tables with a letter next to the table name for the type of multi-user lock.
•(L) for a local lock
•(R) for a remote lock
•(C) for a cursor lock
•(r) for a row lock
Temporary Tables
When a table is a TEMPORARY table, the LIST command will display "(T)" in front of the table name. When a table is an INMEMORY temporary table, the LIST command will display "(I)" in front of the table name.
Database Access Rights with LIST
Before using the LIST command, enter the correct user identifier with the CONNECT or SET USER command.
When access rights have been assigned to a user with the GRANT command, R:BASE displays only those tables, columns, and views for which the user has been granted access.
In a multi-user environment, locked tables are displayed in reverse video when the LIST command is run. When you run the LIST TABLE tblname command, R:BASE tells you if the lock is an edit, cursor, local, or remote lock.
Example 01.
-- The following lists tables in a database
Number of Tables in Database RRBYW20 is 81.
Number of Columns in Database RRBYW20 is 355.
Number of Indexes in Database RRBYW20 is 57.
Number of users connected: 1.
Last database modification: 12/06/2022 04:09 PM
Last schema modification: 12/06/2022 03:03 PM
Tables in the Database RRBYW20
Name Columns Rows Comments
------------------- ------- --------- ------------------------------------
BonusRate 3 14 Rates for Bonuses
Component 2 12 Component Identification Number and
CompUsed 2 22 Components Used in a Model
Contact 12 36 Customer Contact Information
ContactCallNotes 5 3 Contact Call Notes
Customer 17 30 Customer Information
Departments 8 31 Departments
Employee 18 12 Employee Information
FormTable 1 1 Dummy Table for Forms
HourlyTemps 3 3 Temperature Data for Gauge
InvoiceDetail 8 148 Invoice Detail Information
InvoiceHeader 18 97 Invoice Header Information
Levels 2 40 Pricing Level Per Model by Percent
LicenseInformation 19 1 Running R:BASE Your Way (Part 20) -
Customer License
PaymentTerms 1 8 Payment Terms
PrintOptions 6 13 Print Options
ProdLocation 5 20 Product Location, Quantity on Hand,
and Cost
Product 4 8 Model Information, Including List
RThemes 2 86 List of New Available R:Themes
SalesBonus 5 13 Sales Bonus Information
SecurityTable 4 3 Application MainMenu Security/Login
Staff 8 42 Staff
StateAbr 2 51 State Names and Abbreviations
Tasks 12 28 List of Tasks to Track
Titles 2 8 Employee Titles List
Example 02.
-- The following lists views in a database
Views in the Database RRBYW20
Name Columns Rows Comments
------------------- ------- --------- ---------------------------------
CustomerContact 8 N/A List of Customers and Contacts
CustomerList 2 N/A View - Customer List
CustomerView 7 N/A Sorted List of Customers
FullOuterJoin 34 N/A Sample Full Outer Join View
InvoicesMaster 32 N/A Invoice Master
LeftOuterJoin 2 N/A Sample Left Outer Join View
ListOfReportsView 2 N/A List of Reports to be Shown in
Combo/List Boxes
NewContact 3 N/A Quick List of Customer Contacts
NewCustomer 7 N/A Test View for Sub-Reports
NewEmployee 9 N/A Test View for Sub-Reports
NewInvoiceDetails 11 N/A Test View for Sub-Reports
NewInvoiceHeader 14 N/A Test View for Sub-Reports
OrganizationView 6 N/A Organization View
ProdAlias 31 N/A Products Sold by Date - View
ProductInvoice 21 N/A Product Invoice View
ProdView 29 N/A Sales by Products - View
QrtrlySmmry_ByCust 2 N/A Quarterly Summary View (By Customer)
QuarterlySummary 2 N/A Quarterly Summary View
SalesByEmployee 6 N/A Products Sold by Employee - View
SalesCalendarView 11 N/A Sales Calendar View
SalesData 9 N/A Sales Summary by Invoice Number
SalesDataByCompany 9 N/A Sales Data by Company
SalesInf 4 N/A Products Sold by Employee - View
StaffByDept 11 N/A Staff by Department
TCrossTabView 4 N/A CrossTab Data - View
UnionView 2 N/A Sample Union View
YT3 6 N/A YTD Invoice Summary
YTDInvoiceTotal 6 N/A Year-To-Date Invoice Totals by Customer
Example 03.
-- The following lists foreign keys in a database
Id Type Table Name Column Name(s) Ref Table Name Ref Column Name(s)
------ ---------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
#46 FOREIGN KEY CompUsed CompID Component CompID
#45 FOREIGN KEY CompUsed Model Product Model
#47 FOREIGN KEY ProdLocation Model Product Model
#49 FOREIGN KEY InvoiceDetail Model Product Model
#48 FOREIGN KEY InvoiceDetail TransID InvoiceHeader TransID
#51 FOREIGN KEY ContactCallNotes EmpID Employee EmpID
#50 FOREIGN KEY ContactCallNotes ContID Contact ContID
#57 FOREIGN KEY Levels Model Product Model
#39 FOREIGN KEY Employee EmpTID Titles EmpTID
#54 FOREIGN KEY Contact CustID Customer CustID
#55 FOREIGN KEY Staff DepartmentID Departments DepartmentID
Example 04.
-- The following lists computed columns in a database
Computed Columns
Name Table Attributes
------------------ ------------------ ----------------------------------------
Bonus SalesBonus Type: CURRENCY
Expression: (netamount*bonuspct)
Freight InvoiceHeader Type: CURRENCY
Expression: (netamount* .01)
Tax InvoiceHeader Type: CURRENCY
Expression: (netamount* .081)
InvoiceTotal InvoiceHeader Type: CURRENCY
Expression: (netamount+freight+tax)
SalePrice InvoiceDetail Type: CURRENCY
Expression: (Price- (Price*Discount/100))
ExtPrice InvoiceDetail Type: CURRENCY
Expression: (Units*SalePrice)
Example 05.
-- The following lists forms that begin with "search"
Form Table / View Form Description Modified Version
------------------ ------------------ ---------------------------------------- ------------------- --------
SearchAndEditCust1 Search and Edit Customers (Part 1) - Tr 01/16/2020 04:30 PM 2
SearchAndEditCust2 Search and Edit Customers (Part 2) - On 01/16/2020 04:30 PM 2
SearchAndPrintInv FormTable Search and Print Customer Invoice 10/06/2018 09:24 PM 1
SearchCustInvoice FormTable Search Customer Invoice and the option t 10/06/2018 09:24 PM 1
SearchForm_DBGrid Customer Search Form using Custom DB Grid 10/06/2018 09:24 PM 1
Example 06.
-- The following lists reports that begin with "cust" in descending order
Report Table / View Report Description Modified Version
------------------ ------------------ ---------------------------------------- ------------------- --------
CustYellowPages Customer Customer Phone Directory (Yellow Pages) 10/06/2018 09:24 PM 1
CustomPageInvoice ProdAlias Invoice with Custom Page Numbers 09/19/2022 11:26 AM 5
Customers Customer Master List of Customers 09/20/2022 10:01 AM 5
CustomerList Customer List of Active Customers 09/30/2022 10:06 AM 33
CustomerDirectory Customer Customer Phone Directory 10/06/2018 09:24 PM 1
CustomerContacts Customer Sub-Reports (2 Tables): Customer and Con 10/06/2018 09:24 PM 1
CustDirWithURL_VAR Customer Customer Phone Directory with Hyperlinks 10/06/2018 09:24 PM 1
CustDirWithURL_DB Customer Customer Phone Directory with Hyperlinks 10/06/2018 09:24 PM 1
CustContInvoices NewCustomer Sub-Reports (4 Tables): NewCustomer, New 10/06/2018 09:24 PM 1