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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: Productivity Tools > R:BASE BLOB Editor > Image

Menu Bar

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The menu bar within the "Images" tab provides many other advanced features to manage and manipulate images.




Open... - opens a dialog window to browse and select an image file

Load from URL... - loads an image from a URL

File Save - saves the current image as an external file

Insert Image from File - inserts an image. For multiple images, the file is inserted to the selected position within the list.

Add Image from File - adds an image. For multiple images, the file is added to the end of the list.

Delete Selected Images - deletes the selected image(s)

Print Preview... - opens the Print Preview dialog for changing print-specific settings

Select Source... - opens a window to select or change TWAIN sources

Acquire Pages (TWAIN) - starts the scan process of the current document

Acquire Pages (WIA) - starts the process to capture an image through Windows Image Acquisition

Acquire Image from Camera... - captures an image from a camera connected to the computer




Undo - undoes the last change made

Redo - redoes the last "undo" operation

Cut - cuts the current selection

Copy - copies the current selection

Paste - pastes the current clipboard selection

Paste to Rectangle - inserts or pastes the currently cut or copied selection

Move Selected Image Up - moves the selected image up within the list

Move Selected Image Down - moves the selected image down within the list




Histogram - displays a graphical representation of the tonal distribution

Calculate Image Colors - provides the total number of colors in the active image

Background Style - displays a style for the image background

Background Color - specifies the background color

Gradient End Color - specifies the background gradient end color, when gradient is selected

Mouse Mode - changes the mouse mode for image editing




Actual Size - zooms the image to the actual size

Fit Image - fits the image to the current BLOB Editor window

Fit to Width - fits the image to the current BLOB Editor window width

Fit to Height - fits the image to the current BLOB Editor window height

Zoom In - zooms in

Zoom Out - zooms out

Zoom Properties - applies a zoom filter




Color Adjust... - displays a dialog to adjust the color of the image

Negative - replaces each pixel color with its opposite on the color wheel

Grey Scale - converts the image to gray colors

Reduce Colors... - reduces the number of images used. A prompt for the new image number will appear.

Convert to BW... - converts the image to black and white colors

Convert to True Color - converts the image to a 24-bit color image

Edge Detection - marks the points at which the intensity changes sharply

Resize Canvas... - changes the size of the image canvas

Resize Image... - changes the size of the image

Effects... - displays a dialog to add effects to the image

White Balance - removes unrealistic color casts, so that objects in the image are rendered white just as in person

Rotate... - rotates an image around its center point

Vertical Flip - flips an image vertically

Horizontal Flip - flips an image horizontally

Remove Red Eyes - removes "red eye" from photos

Equalize - builds a histogram of colors used in all pixels in the image, from the brightest to the darkest, and then alters colors of pixels in between so there is the same number of pixels at all brightness levels

Blur - reduces areas of high contrast and softens the appearance of an image




Draw Line - places a line drawing object

Draw Box - places a box drawing object

Draw Ellipse - places a ellipse drawing object

Draw Text - places a text drawing object

Draw Ruler - places a ruler drawing object

Draw Polyline - places a polyline drawing object

Draw Angle - places a angle drawing object