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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Data Designer (RBDefine) > The Data Designer > Rules

Modify Existing Rule...

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Any existing rule can be modified, with each of the rule properties, like the message or Where Clause, available to change. To modify a rule, you can perform any of the following to display the "Edit Rule" dialog:


double click any displayed rule

right click on a selected rule, and select "Modify Existing Rule..." from the speed menu

select a rule, then choose "Modify Existing Rule..." from the group bar panel on the left


Where - the WHERE clause that creates the lookup for the condition

Where Builder - opens the WHERE Builderdialog to create your WHERE clause using a GUI interface

Message - the "condition not met" message to display for the user

Succeed | Fail - determines if the message is displayed if the condition Succeeds or Fails

[Add/Modify | Delete] - determines if the Rule is checked when a row is Added or an existing row is Modified, or if an existing row is Deleted

